🌻13. Breaking news

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"No, I haven't seen it." I told Emily on the phone. She was face timing me.

"Okay, I'm gonna send you the link right now, you really have to see it. These people are something else, I can't believe they reframed it" She said widening her eyes.

"Okay, I got the Amazon card, thanks." I smiled.

"It's no big deal, where's jade?"

"Right here, sleeping like a pregnant lady." I turned the phone to face Jade who was sleeping softly on the mat.

"Awwwn, cute baby boy." She joked. I gave a small chuckle.

"Alright, I have to go now. I'm sending you the link."

"Okay, bye." I said and she hung up.

Almost immediately, my phone beeped signifying a new message.
She sent the link already. I touched it and it opened in my phoenix browser.
'Breaking news ' was the first thing I saw there.
"Hmm." I mumbled. Little did she know I wasn't a fan of news. If not, I would have seen the news, about the black kids.
I took a deep breath then opened it.
'Breaking news: His Excellency, Governor Brian Flynn Ronald claimed to have received a threatening mail from some mysterious club or whatsoever called the TBATB gang. They gave various threats demanding that if the infected kids aren't released, they would carry out these treats that would destroy the whole nation.' I paused to breath. When did we do that? We didn't give any threats, had it been we had sent the first letter, it'd be different.
I managed to read on.
'The Governor admonishes whoever or any group that sent that mail to discard such treat because the quarantine of infected kids is for the benefit of all and sun dry. Parents of infected kids should have patience because there is no known cure for 'the disease'. Without further ado, what is being made clear is that, we don't want other kids to be infected and the club should resist from sending further threatening mails because it wouldn't be all Rosy if we get to know you all. What we did Is for the betterment of us all. I wondered how they got my personal email address. And again, it wasn't only black kids that was......'
I'm so done with all these rubbish.
I couldn't bear to read all those rubbish, infected kids, my ass! Jayci was never infected with any disease or whatever and why does the disease not have a name? I scrolled up to see the pics of the mail. It read:
Dear Governor,
We write to demand for the release of the black kids with immediate effect. Release them or else you'd regret your whole existence. We'd rub your state till it reaches bankruptcy. And trust us, your family is too small to wipe off. We consider our demand fulfilled as soon as this mail is received or the result of not adhering would be thorns."

What? This wasn't what we sent.
"Shit." I cursed loudly.
It either woke Jade up or jade was already up before I cursed because needless to say, jade was nothing next to a light sleeper.
"What is it? Daisy?" He questioned.

"Why did they have to lie? We did none of those. How did they even fake that mail? I don't just understand." I whisper yelled. I know he didn't get a bit of what I said.

"Calm down Daisy, talk to me. What happened? Did you hurt your self ?"

"Dumbass!" I mumbled and handed the phone over to him.
What does what I said have to do with hurt myself?
I half raced to my laptop. Turning it on and clicking on my emails. I wanted to reassure myself that, that wasn't what we sent. I read it again
Dear government.
With all due respect, we demand the release of the black kids. They should have been tested and taken for treatment rather than held hostage. Parents of the kids aren't so okay with this. Please, release them as soon as possible. Thanks."
TBATB gang.
Very polite and nothing next to threatening. Why did they have to do that?
"Did you notice something about the email address?" Jade's voice brought me back to reality.
Yes, I was already thinking pages.

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