🌻23. Never have I ever

117 16 7

Too many Jade's P.o.v ? Sorry but not sorry.

*Jade's p.o.v*

"Alight." Daisy said to all of them without any emotion in her voice.

All of them got out of the car Immediately.

"Sit." She said as she opened the cottage's wooden door

"Where?" Lacy dared to ask.

Daisy rolled her eyes at her before going inside.

"On the grass, please. It isn't itchy." I say.

They all sat down.

"When last did y'all eat?" I asked.

"Yesterday at noon." Aaliyah answered. I nodded my head and made to go inside when Emily called me. I swiped up the answer button.

"Hi." I said.

"Did y'all get the kids?" She asked.

"We got the teens." I replied.

"What do you mean, Jade?" She questioned.

"We all expected to see kids but we saw teens. So, we would still go searching for the kids." I answered.

"Oh, I've been calling Daisy and she's not picking up. Is she still angry with me?"

That's when I remembered the little beef this afternoon and the Emily could be a spy issue.

"Jade!" She called for the second time.

"Uh- Uhm no, she's just busy." I stammered.


"I'm serious. She's busy. I'm not sure she even knows were her phone is right now."

"Okay, Good bye, my mom is calling me. Yes mom." She yells before I hang up.

I smiled and turn to see Daisy talking to them.

"Which of y'all are vegetarians?" She asked.

"Me, Aaliyah and Andrea." Gwen, the shy girl answered.

"No need, we all don't need meat right now, do we?" She asked.

"We don't." They all answered except, well, y'all know Andrea can't speak.

I sit on the grass with them. Daisy brings three bowls of hot rice for us all.

"Three to one." She commands, dropping two bowls for the six of them.

Gwen, Aaliyah and Andrea takes one bowl while Kelvin, Andrew and Lacy takes the other bowl. They all muttered 'thanks.' except, wait!! do I have to remind you that Andrea can't speak?

"Jade, you and I will eat together but wait let me bring water for us all." She says. Dropping our bowl of food and grabbing a bucket, she walks towards the lake.

I follow her immediately while the rest of them starts to eat.

"Wait up." I say running towards her.

"What?" She asks not turning back.

"Daisy, are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be?" She asks as she served water from the lake.

She's mad at me, I know it.

"I'm sorry, Daisy. I have wronged you in many ways today. First, I thought low of you and didn't believe when said Emily is a spy. Secondly, I let you fight all those guards alone, I was just... Staring. Thirdly, I almost had a fight with Kelvin after all the things you've been through today.. Fourthly, I dragged you into this and I'm just being a... Coward." I concluded. I'm guilty of all that but I still don't believe that Emily's a spy.

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