🌻11. I'm not insane

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*Jade's p.o.v*

"After we moved from this place, we went to another state. I thought it would be over. The bully, the depression, I thought it has come to an abrupt end but I was wrong. First, I'm sorry I didn't tell you I'm leaving. Trust me, I didn't know."

"It's okay." Daisy said quietly.

"Dad and mom said we had to move urgently because dad got promoted at work and so he had to be the manager of the branch of the company in that state. He already got my transfer letter so we moved. I started a new school, it was just boys. Genie high School. It never ended, it just got worst. It was more so I fell into depression. I'm not the one to open up in a heart beat so when my parents ask me what was wrong, I'd say nothing but I'd tell them I don't want to go to school but my dad is a pretty tough guy, he always forced me to return to school." I paused and noticed Daisy was just staring at me without blinking.

"One day.. I continued. One of the boys set me up and made it seem like I stole from the gym hall. I was suspended from school. They thought I was a kleptomania because clearly, there's nothing I would have used those stuffs for. They advised mom and dad that they should take me for treatment. I tried explaining that I didn't steal and it was quite acceptable until they did it again, they stole and put it all on me again, what the hell would I use a school stamp for? This time, even mom didn't believe me, who else would?"

"They did all this to you?" Daisy said this time, blinking once to avoid tearing up.

"Yes, I left school and was under doctor's supervision for three months. I know I wasn't kleptomanic but I was happy to be out of school of course. After those three months, the doctor confirmed that I don't steal and I was ready to go back to school but I didn't want to go. I began hurting myself out of depression. There's the mark in my left shoulder. My parents began to think it was something more than kleptomania, they thought I was insane."

"Um.. I'm sorry." She stammered, I nodded and continued.

"Mom said I should see a therapist in case it was depression but dad said I should go straight to a psychiatric hospital. Mom said I needed to go to a rehab center, dad thought otherwise. I knew I just needed to leave school, maybe being home schooled would have been better because the taunts were in that school. I wish I had you there."

"I'm here now." She assured me.

"Yeah, that's why it makes a difference. Mom was expecting a baby when all this was going on. While arguing with dad about me one day, dad hit her out of anger and before they could get her to the hospital, she lost the baby." My voice was shaky now and I thought I was going to cry.

"I guess mom went into depression just like me and she stopped talking to anyone except her drugs, she only communicated with her drugs. I was sad that she lost the baby because of me but what's there to grieve about, he or she would have grown to be a black kid like me and be bullied too. There's no chance he would have been white, my both parents are black. I ran away, I took my dad's money and took the fastest plane when a neighbor told Dad that he should be thankful he relocated because if we remained here, the government would have taken me. I slept on the streets for days still trying to hide from them, I was running from them when came to find you and I'm grateful to God I did." Once the last word came from my mouth, Daisy grabbed me and hugged me tight, she cried on my shoulders.

"You didn't have to, but Thanks."

"We would be saving a lot of black kids soon so you don't have to thank me. You helped me smile again, I should say thanks."

"Yes you should." she joked.

"At what point did you get these tattoos Jade, I don't remember you with tattoos." She asked suddenly.

"I'm not sure I've finished my story but I'll continue some other time. These tattoos are fake, I'd clean them soon."

"Oh really?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah. Izzy, I don't think I'm a very good kid, I didn't consider what mom or dad would be feeling but after my mission here, I'd go back to them but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you or I regret coming here. God would have to help her out of depression, he just have to. You also have a story to tell me but I'm thirsty now."

"Oh yeah, not much of a story, I'd talk about that another time, let's go out for a walk. We're not very free now so we would just walk to the lake. Grab your cup."

"I promise you Daisy, we would be free, I don't know how long but, we would be free. To walk on the streets without fear and to watch little black kids play games in the park without taunt and to go to school happy, we would be free." I smiled and gave her the cup. Daisy picked up her Sweater and we head out for the lake
How did you like the change in point of view, instead of Daisy's p.o.v always, I wrote Jade's p.o.v.
I stole Genie high school from a Korean movie I saw with my siblings.
'To the beautiful you'
If you haven't seen that movie, I'm advising you to see it with immediate effect, it's interesting , I promise.
You know how to make me smile and that's why I love you so much... Press the star 🌟 there. That's how to make me smile.
Comment the names of movies you'd love everyone to check out 😊
- kisses 😘

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