chapter 6: kneel

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Jungwoo's pov

Just a minute after Yuta and Taeyong had left, Lucas was back and he seemed very pissed.

Chenle and I were often scared of him, but right now he seemed even scarrier than normally.

"Go to class, Chenle, after school come to my room right away", Lucas said, grabbing my arm, heading towards class while pulling me with him.

His room was actually our room. After Lucas had mated me we had gotten our own room, as couples obviously needed more privacy... I wouldn't have expected another omega to move in that quickly. Especially not someone that wasn't into Lucas.

I was. Even when he was pulling and pushing me like that right now. He was my Alpha. He was allowed to.

But I also missed certain sides on him he had shown me in the beginning. I missed the dates he had taken me to, I missed the sweettalk he seduced me with when no one else was around, I missed the gentle touches that had been exchanged into rough merciless sex.

Lucas pushed me onto the chair next to him, falling onto another one.

I wondered what Johnny had told him to make him so angry.

I knew Lucas' angry face. But it had always been an outsider that had triggered him until he lost his cool. Never had it been one of his close friends. Lucas didn't just let anyone near him and the people around him hadn't failed him. Until now...

Saying I was scared was an understatement. When Lucas was angry he let it out on Chenle and me. But never had I seen him that furious.

His face was red and his hands were clenched to fists. Having to go through class now probably didn't make it better. If Lucas was bottling up his feelings he probably would go even harder on us later.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?", I whispered to my alpha while the teacher started the lesson.

I was offering him sex. Or a blowjob. But I was trying to offer him a quick relief.

Lucas turned his head towards me, staring at me for a moment before shaking his head.

"I've got to many thoughts on my mind. Later. But thank you."

The sound of his words was so bittersweet. He was thanking me, was showing me the side of him that had made me fall for him, but he was also implying he would use me later for his own satisfaction without caring for me.

It was partly okay. I was okay with him using me. I felt pleasure from pleasuring him. But I had fallen to deep. I wanted to be loved back.

It was hilarious. Omegs weren't loved. They were used for pleasure and then were thrown away until needed again.

And I was okay with all the hurt Lucas was giving me, because I still thought about the way he had fucked me senseless the first time we had had sex and the way he had held me afterwards, whispering sweet things into my ear.

Things like... how much he cared about me... how I was the prettiest omega he had ever seen.

I didn't hate Chenle. Omegas with the same mate actually had often a stronger emotional connection between each other than towards their alpha and I didn't dislike the fact Lucas was fucking Chenle in general, I just disliked how Lucas had changed after mating Chenle and how I had to try even harder to be noticed by Lucas.

Class was passing unpleasingly quickly and so did the next lessons until the last bell rang.

I noticed Lucas hateful glares in Johnny and Jaehyuns direction and really wanted to know what happened, but I didn't dare to ask.

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