Chapter Twelve

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A/N Chapter Thirteen-the next chapter- is the last. It's been so amazing for me to be writing these books. This is the third and final book to the Boost book series.

Chapter Twelve: Paul's Wreck.

One month later, Alexis was finally home. Paul and I were gonna hangout but he had some sort of toy drive or something. I was in the garage changing my blue Mustang's oil. Garrett was next to me doing the same to his car. We were watching the news at the same time. Then something caught our attention. A breaking news cast came on. "Just a few minutes ago viewers called in about black smoke. We sent a team to the scene and what they found was a red Porsche twisted around a tree. It's assumed the car was going fast and lost control, wrecking." I called Paul, no answer. I then called Vin, him and I had gotten really close the past while, because of Paul. "Hey Payton," he answered sadly. "What's wrong? Never mind that. Did you see this accident? What loser driver does that? I can't believe someone would even lose control in a Porsche-." "Payton," Vin interrupted. "No don't even stop me. They must be a real bad-." "Payton Paul was in the car," Vin interrupted again. "What," I asked. "I saw it Pete. He was in the car, they wrecked, he's gone," Vin replied, now bawling. I hung up the phone and gave a deathly look at Garrett. "Payton," he asked. "It was Paul," I cried, pointing to the TV and crying. My brothers and father heard the commotion from the level above and came down to see Garrett and I on the ground, me in his arms crying. They were all so confused. I pointed to the TV and screamed, "Paul's dead!"

I wiped my tears away and got into my car. I sped away from the house. I remembered what Paul told me, "You're just gonna have to drive it off." I saw my dad run out behind me yelling at me to stop. I drove to the scene where the traffic was crazy. I weaved in and out and then stopped in the middle of the street to run up to the car. "Get him out," I screamed. Firemen and police officers ran up to me trying to hold me back. I kept breaking through them, getting closer to the flames. "Get him out," I screamed. "Payton," I heard from behind me. I saw Vin, engulfed in his own tears. I ran up to him. I hugged him and we fell to the ground. We just laid there and cried.

Two days passed. It was December 2nd 2013. Today was Paul's funeral service. All I can remember is walking in, seeing his casket, and falling to the ground, crying. Garrett had to take me to the bathroom to help me calm down. "Payton it's okay," he consoled. I sat on the bathroom counter. Garrett gave me a paper towel to dry my tears. "If I was there, maybe he'd be fine. Paul asked me to go Garrett," I cried. Garrett didn't know what to do but hug me. I stood up and looked in the mirror. "Who is that," I asked, referring to myself. Garrett stayed silent and then said, "The girl who's been through enough to know life goes on." My hair was curled and I wore a perfectly fitting, tight dress that showed all my curves. I turned around when I heard the door open. It was Meadow, whom came to the bathroom for the same reason as me. Garrett left us alone. "Had to get away," she asked, crying. I handed her a tissue. "If I was only there," I said. "You couldn't have done anything," Meadow replied. "No, but I wouldn't have let Paul go. Something would've been different. Maybe I wouldn't seem something wrong with Roger's car," I cried. Meadow hugged me. "My dad loved you just as much as he loved me Payton. He wouldn't want you eating yourself up over this, that's why I know it's not my fault for not going with him," Meadow consoled. "Why the hell am I the one crying," I asked myself. "I'm sorry for your loss," I said to Meadow as I was about to leave. "Payton," she stopped me. I looked at her. "I'm sorry for yours' as well," she finished. I smiled at her and then left the bathroom.

Throughout the service, I had to cover my mouth with tissues a few times. I was crying too loudly. When his brothers, Vin, my dad, Tyreese, and Luda, carried Paul's casket out, Meadow and I stood behind them and joined hands, walking out of the church together. Paul was being buried right outside the church. The congregation followed the boys out to Paul's grave site. They set the casket above his grave. We stood as the pastor said a few last words. When he was finished I stood up and started to speak. I said, "Paul was like an older brother/father to me. Of course I met him when I was stealing his car." The crowd laughed, and I continued, "Paul taught me a lot. He taught me about people, cars, and most importantly, love. His relationship with me wasn't just about cars, drugs, or justice. It was about the people we cared about, and the way we cared about each other. Paul would never of wanted to die a different way. He died doing what he loved, driving fast. And I promise you, every time I saw Paul drive, he was smiling. Live fast, love fast, die faster, live on Paul Walker." I looked to Meadow, whom gave me a nod of approval.

When the service was over, my family went home and I went to Red's. "Payton," Red said, somewhat surprised when I walked in. I sat at the bar. "Get me something strong," I commanded. Red stood still. "Paul didn't like you drinking. I know it's just because you're hurting," Red replied. "I just want to forget this year happened. Give me something to drown my sorrows," I begged. Red gave me two shots. We did a quick toast and then downed the shots. "Happy fucking birthday to me," I said. Yep, finally 18.

Fast and Furious, A Paul Walker Story. (Boost #3)Where stories live. Discover now