Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: Under The Influence

Ben and I had continuing drinking for another hour when he asked, "how old are you Payton?" "17," I replied. "Woah," he said. "What," I asked. "You're really young," he replied. "Okay then, how old are you," I asked. He laughed. "22," he replied. "Only five years difference," I teased. The next thing I knew, Ben was leaning in and he kissed me. "I have to go Payton, but take my number," he said as he handed me a piece of paper. He kissed my cheek and then left. Red approached me with a lemon mojito. "From the gentlemen over there," Red said as he pointed at a man who looked way too old for me, but I drank it anyway.

Another hour of drinks passed and ended when police lights shown from outside. I just sat at the bar waiting. Two cops came inside. The cops approached me. "Payton Davis, come with us," one said. I stood up and he cuffed me. They led me outside to a police vehicle and threw me in the back.

When I got to the police station they threw me into an interrogation room I knew all too well. I laid on the ground for what seemed like hours. When my dad showed up, I was still too drunk to know up from down. "Let's go," he grumbled. I reached for the table to pull myself up but I missed it a couple of times until my dad helped me up. He helped me to the car. I laid in the back while he drove home. He pulled into the driveway and parked next to the house. He left me in the backseat and went inside, obviously pissed. The time on the dash read 3:30 am. Whelp, fuck.

I got out of the car and stumbled inside. My brothers were sitting around the table while my dad leaned over the kitchen sink looking out the window. Hayes looked up at me and then looked back down. "What," I asked. "You know damn well what," my dad replied. "Okay, yeah, I went to Red's and got drunk. When don't I get drunk anymore dad," I asked. "Shut the hell up Payton," Adam yelled. "You need to knock your shit off and act like an adult," Adrian said. "I don't even drink," Zayn exclaimed. "The rest of you do," I yelled. "They are all of age to drink now," my dad replied. "They weren't when they started drinking," I yelled. They stayed silent. "Fuck you guys," I screamed. "What's with all the yelling," someone whispered as they came down the stairs. I turned and saw my mom. "Payton, you stink like alcohol and jail," she joked. I hugged her. "Hi momma," I said. "No really, go shower," she teased. "Payton wait," my dad shouted. I turned and saw him approach me. "Tell your mom what's been going on with you the past month," he demanded. "Dad just let her sleep it off," Hayes suggested. "Shut up Hayes," my dad yelled. "Why are you being like this," I asked. "Because you're not the only one hurting Payton! The next time I get called from a cop saying your drunk and in the police station I'm not picking you up," he screamed. "Fuck you," I screamed back. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning I woke up, not just literally. I looked into the mirror again, at the girl I no longer recognized. I looked at the bottles of pills on my counter and threw them all away. I grabbed the bottle of rum and dumped it down the toilet. I heard a knock on the door and turned around to see Garrett in the doorway with a smile on his face. "I'm proud of you," he said as he hugged me. "I'm proud of myself," I replied.

For the first time in three months I walked downstairs sober. I was up in time for morning coffee and pancakes, that my mom made. "It's a new day for all of us huh," she asked as she saw me. I smiled and then sat down next to Hayes. Garrett sat next to me. Hayes kissed my cheek. "I knew you could do it sis," he said. I ate quickly and then went outside, Garrett stayed to finished coffee with the boys.

I walked outside and saw my dad talking to agent Harris and another police detective. He looked familiar. As I walked closer I saw it was Ben from Red's last night. "You're a fucking snitch," I screamed. I ran towards him and punched him in the jaw. Harris lifted me off of Ben and threw me over his shoulder. I was trashing and kicking trying to get at Ben. "You fucking asshole mother fucker," I screamed. "Payton, chill," my dad said as Harris set me down. I lunged at Ben again as he stood up but, Harris held me back. "Fuck you," I yelled. "Ben was off duty. He called me and said he met a cool chick at the club, her name was Payton. I called in the team to get you out of there before you drank yourself to death," Harris explained. "I came to apologize," Ben added. "Why the fuck would a cop drink with a minor," I asked. "Did you tell me you were a minor? I don't remember much. I don't usually drink as much as I did," Ben asked. "Yeah I told you I was 17." I had a realization. "And then you fucking kissed me," I yelled as I lunged at him again, just to be stopped by agent Harris. "Payton, take a drive," my dad suggested. I got into my car and left.

I got to Rob's and did a lap around the track. When I finished, I was breathing heavily. I got out and saw Rob applauding me. "Fastest time yet, what's troubling you," Rob asked. "A guy in the bar last night, turns out he's a cop. He got me arrested," I replied. I sat down on the hood of my car. "He snitched," Rob asked. "Unintentionally," I replied. "So you, underage Payton Davis, got a police officer drunk," Rob asked with a laugh. "Unintentionally," I replied. That just made Rob laugh more.

After Rob stopped laughing he said, "Paul and Meadow are stopping by." "I should be going then," I replied. "Why's that," he asked. "I don't want to be a bad influence on Meadow," I replied. "I'll see you tonight then," he asked. "For," I asked. "My racer barbecue. Every racer in town will be here," Rob exclaimed. "I was probably drunk when I told you I'd be there," I joked. "You were, I remember," Rob said. I laughed, got in my car, and left.

Fast and Furious, A Paul Walker Story. (Boost #3)Where stories live. Discover now