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Chapter Thirteen: Conclusion

-One Year Later-

It wasn't until one year later, on my nineteenth birthday. I was on my very last race. It was Garrett and I for the gold, not literally. We were twisting and winding on the back roads around Rob's property. It was just an accident. A garbage truck backed out onto the highway, he couldn't tell how fast we were going. It wasn't his fault. I was in the lead. He backed out quickly and T-boned me, sending me flipping and twisting down the long hill. I remember the car as it flipped. The final impact- my car to the bottom of the hill- that's what killed me. It was sudden, I didn't feel a thing.

My mom and dad sat in the living room of our home. They had just sat down after a long day of working on the cars. My siblings all went out to Rob's for a drink. My dad flipped to the news channel, just as a breaking news report came on. "A few minutes ago witnesses called in a severe car accident three miles outside of Santa Barbara's main streets. The accident was between two cars that were street racing, and a garbage truck. The vehicle in the lead was T-boned by the garbage truck and was sent tumbling down the hill. Chopper 3 can we get a better view of the scene down there," the news lady asked the chopper guy. The man in the chopper zoomed into my crushed, obliterated car at the bottom of the hill. My mother screamed in horror. The news lady said something else that caught their attention, "I've been working on this station for four years now, and I've only seen one person drive that car, Payton Davis." My parents were out the door that instant.

Hayes was driving his truck, all our siblings were in the truck as well, Zayn and Adam were in the bed. As they drove up to Rob's they saw police lights, helicopters, ambulances, fire trucks, and news vans. "Hayes, fucking stop," Alexis shouted. Hayes pulled over to the side of the road and Alexis jumped out before he could even park it. "Alexis what the hell are you doing," Zayn asked as Alexis rounded the truck. She screamed when she noticed my car was the one at the bottom of the hill. "What's wro-." Zayn was stopped by himself. Everyone had gotten out of the truck at stared at the accident. The accident was quite a ways away from them, but it was a gorgeous night, and they could see it clearly. "This marks the end of Payton Davis," Hayes said. My siblings joined hands, they knew I couldn't make it out of that wreck, my final wreck.

My siblings got back into the truck when my parents showed up. They then followed my parents to the accident spot, just to make sure. "Where's my daughter," my mom asked frantically. Garrett ran up to everyone. He was untouched. He hugged my mom. Garrett was frantic. "What happened? Is she okay," my dad asked. Agents Harris and Randall approached us, followed by Ben. Agent Harris had just gotten done crying. My mom dropped to her knees. "Payton's gone," Harris cried, giving the news. Alexis went to my mother. And then my dad broke. He broke like no other time before. My dad had just found out he lost his baby girl. The person who made him lose his sanity, and keep it at the same time. The end of Payton Davis.

Two days later they had the funeral service. It was at the same church as Paul's. My dad, brothers, Rob, Ben, and Harris carried my casket. Garrett led my mom and Alexis out to my gravesite, next to Paul's. The pastor had said some amazing last few words about me and then handed it off to my dad. "Payton was one of a kind. She, and I've said this before, made me lose my sanity and keep it at the same time. I will never forget the night I lost my baby girl. She was the spirit of the family when we needed it the most. She always used to tell me, "Daddy, I try to stay out of trouble, but trouble always seems to find me." Of course I knew that was true because she spent two years in prison." My dad paused as the crowd laughed. He then continued, "I will always miss Payton. She was the first of my kids to say, teach me how to car. Yeah, she said teach me how to car. She would say that because she wanted to learn everything there was to know about cars. Never once did she look something up on the Internet. She would always come to me with a car problem. She died doing the one thing she loved the most, racing. And it was against one of the people she loved the most, Garrett. I have no doubt in my mind that Payton is up there in Heaven, racing with Paul. Thank you Payton for being the most amazing daughter I could ever ask for. Payton would always say one quote and that one quote is how I'm going to say goodbye to my daughter. Live fast, love fast, die faster." My dad wiped his tears away. "Long live Payton Davis," my dad chanted. The crowd repeated him. My family was in tears as they said their final goodbye.

It was only nineteen years, less than most. But honestly, I lived a whole life. I experienced more than I should've in those short few years. I lived a lifetime in nineteen years. When Paul died, everyone talked about the things he never did. No one can talk about things I haven't done. I mean yeah, I didn't have kids, I died a teenager. Sure I spent almost two of those nineteen years in prison. Most people can't say that. At least I didn't die in prison. I was able to save lots of lives. The one I regret not saving was Paul's. I'm remembered as a hardened teenager. I got into trouble, got myself kidnapped, almost died many times, and saved my sister from living a life of shame. I'm remembered as Payton Davis, the street racer. That's how I want to be remembered, as a girl who took pride in her cars. But now here's the question. How do you want to be remembered? But hey, sometimes in the world of street racing-you just have to drive.

The End
Long Live Payton Davis!

A/N I didn't want to post this at all. It has been such an honor writing these books. I was thinking about a spinoff series but I don't have much time for that. Make sure to check out Heart Break, a Paul Walker Love Story, on my page if you haven't yet. Don't forget to vote and show support because I'm so sad ending this series. Payton Davis has, and always will be my most favorite character in any of my books. She's that rebellious side in everyone that they can't let show. I hope you guys enjoyed reading as I enjoyed writing. Race in Paradise Paul and Payton. I hope Paul's looking after Payton up there on the streets of Heaven. I understand Payton is fictional, she's real to me. :) Race on Payton and Paul!

"Live fast, love fast, die faster." -Payton Davis

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