Chapter One

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Fast and Furious

Boost 3rd and Final Book

Chapter One: Where's Alexis?

I looked into the mirror at a woman I no longer recognized. I opened my pain pills and popped two of the large capsules. I washed them down with a swig of rum I stole from the alcohol cabinet. Alexis has been gone for almost a month, no ransom, no contact. I think that's why I've been downing so many pills and getting into drinking. Hell, I've always drank. Just not as much as I have been lately. I just miss Alexis. Paul's been avoiding me for some reason, and Garrett's mad at me for the drugs and alcohol. I got drunk one night and got him drunk with me. I dropped him off at home and his parents found out he got drunk. We broke up. I'm pretty sure Paul's ignoring me for the same reason.

I got dressed in my usual outfit, short shorts, a tank, and a bandeau bra. I threw on my sparkly converses and started stumbling down the stairs. I misstepped at the bottom and fell down the last few steps. When I landed I started laughing. I felt strong arms lift me from the ground. "Are you fucking stupid?!" It was Hayes. "You're drunk before noon," he asked. "Fuck you," I yelled. I pushed him away from me and then stumbled out the front door. I saw my dad and Rob watching me as I fell to the hot cement ground. "God dammit Payton," I heard my dad yell. I felt him lift me up. "You'd think I'd be used to that much alcohol by now," I joked. "What the hell," Rob asked. "She's been doing this since Alexis got taken," my dad said to Rob. I pushed him off of me. "That's not the reason! I'm still injured from my car accident," I yelled. "That was almost three months ago," my dad retorted. "I'm still in pain," I replied. "They aren't even pain meds anymore they're depression pills Payton," my dad said. I gave him the finger and then stumbled back inside and laid on the couch, where I fell asleep.

I woke up in seven hours with a major head ache. I saw Adam sitting across from me. "The fuck do you want," I asked putting my hands to my head. "You need help Payton," Adam said. "I need to find Alexis," I replied. Adam laughed. "You're a hopeless drunk, and mom won't leave her room. What's wrong with you guys? We all are hurting," Adam yelled. "Will you shut up? I have a hangover," I whisper shouted. "You did this to yourself," he replied. "Fuck you," I yelled. I got up and went outside.

When I got outside I saw Rob and my dad loading up a car that Adrian had won a week ago. "You sobered up yet," Rob asked as I approached them. I playfully gave him the finger. "Whatcha doing with her," I asked. "Paul bought the car for Meadow," my dad replied. "Cool," I said. "You smell like alcohol," my dad said. "You ratchet," Rob teased. "Fuck off," I joked to both of them. I went up to the garage and got in my blue mustang. I drove down when my dad stopped me. "You sure you're okay to drive," my dad asked. "I haven't been this sober since that night I got Garrett grounded for life," I replied. He got out of my way and I drove to Garrett's.

I got to Garrett's and knocked on his door. His dad answered. "Hi Payton," he said. He let me in, where I saw Garrett laying on the couch watching TV. "Garrett," I greeted. He sat up and then laid back down. "Get your ass up and go for a drive with her," his dad said. "Thought I was grounded," Garrett asked. "You are when your mom is home, I'm fine with you drinking as long as you're with Payton," his dad replied. Garrett got up and walked passed me. Garrett's dad gave me the signal to approached him. I walked closer and he sniffed me. "You should get cleaned up. You smell like you've been drunk already this morning. I'm worried about you Payton," he said. "I'm fine," I replied. I turned to walk away when he gently grabbed my shoulder. "You know you're not fine, you need help." I shrugged him off my shoulder and said, "I'm fine." I walked out to my car where Garrett was waiting.

When I got in the drivers seat I said, "I'm not telling you too, but tonight I'm going to Red's Bar. You could come with, if you wanted." "Why would I want to go drinking with you," Garrett asked. "It's fun," I replied. "It's not fun for me Payton. And it's not fun that I have to watch you do this to yourself," he yelled. His phone buzzed. "Paul wants me at Rob's," he said. "I haven't seen him in awhile," I replied. "Maybe because you threw your life away," Garrett suggested. I ignored him and started driving to Rob's.

I drove down to the track where Garrett got out before I could even park. I put my car in park and got out just to see Garrett and Paul do a bro hug. "The mystical Paul Walker. Not gonna return my calls or texts huh," I asked Paul. "You needed to get your shit together," he replied. I approached them. "Payton's going out tonight," Garrett said to Paul. I have him the "fuck you" look. "We all miss her Payton. Don't you think you should be home with your family, or trying to do something to help your sister. You can't help her if you're not sober," Paul said. "I'm sober now," I retorted. "Don't smell like it," he replied. "I don't need you! Any of you," I yelled. I turned to walk to my car when Rob stopped me by putting his hand on the car door. "Paul, Meadow just rolled up. Why don't you go get her? Garrett, you go with him," Rob said. Paul and Garrett walked away. "No offence but I don't need fathered right now," I said. "Under the influence of drugs and alcohol, your emotions are running through the roof, I don't think you should be driving," Rob suggested. "I can handle myself," I replied. "No you can't," he said. "Just get away from my car Rob, please," I begged. He stepped aside and I left.

I was driving down Main Street when I got to Red's Bar. I parked and then walked inside. Loud music was playing, some people were playing pool, others were drinking at the bar or around at tables with friends. "Payton Davis," Red exclaimed from behind the bar. Red was a good friend of mine. I met him after a race a week or so ago. He invited me to his bar to party and play pool with some other racers. "Hey Red," I greeted as I sat at the bar. "What can I get you," he asked. "A shot of your hardest tequila," I replied. "On it," he replied. An older guy sitting next to me asked, "ain't you a little too young to be drinking at a bar?" "Ain't you a little to old to be drinking at a bar," I retorted. He shut up after that. Red gave me my shot and I drank it quick. "Nice," another guy next to me said. He looked young and cute. "What," I asked. "You can take shots," he clarified. I laughed. "Give me two more," I said to Red. Red quickly gave me to more shots. I gave one to the guy next to me. We took the shots at the same time. The guy started coughing. I, of course, burst out laughing and so did he. "Payton," I greeted. "Ben," he replied.

Fast and Furious, A Paul Walker Story. (Boost #3)Where stories live. Discover now