Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

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(holy shit is been 4 years since i done this story
i do apologise for not being active since i lost this account into the abyss but ill try to fix this story up and continue it and i appreciate the support on here)

Taro's pov:

I was sat in my room with my head to my knees as the yelling got quieter and quieter, i drifted off into my own world.

A world of peace, a world on no fighting, a world that i wish was a reality.

I sighed as the yelling got louder once again "why can i have a peaceful life".

I broke down sobbing, most of my life is a blur that went past like a car a thousand miles per hour, i don't remember anything, i really don't and i want to keep it that way so i don't have to remember the violence that most likely happened.

I look up as my vision was blurred, i stood up but wobbled as my bruised legs helped me up "i look like shit" i chuckled slightly.

I accepted the fact that i'll never get saved.. unless.. well those are just fairytales, you see i was always told there was 'creatures' living in the forest and i always hoped that one day they'll come help me out but i guess i was wrong.

"Those were just scary stories" i said as i walked up to my window as it lead to a forest that carries on for acres and acres "i gotta leave one day".

I always dreamt of running away finally being free but i've never had the balls to do so, i would run freely with the wind blowing in my hair and i wouldn't care about the past, i smiled at the thought, but it was soon cut off with my father running into my room, drunk.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" He slurred, pointing his finger in my face.

"WHY THE FUCK WAS THE DISHES NOT DONE?!!" He was yelling so much that he was basically spitting on me

"I-im sorry, sir" I looked down in embarrassment,
i heard him scoff and chuck his beer can on the floor

"A disgrace" all i heard before he walked away, thank god he didn't hit me this time, but i wont be as lucky next time

I wiped away some stray tears, i can't stay in this household anymore, i have to go, i hurried to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of trousers, shirts, socks, underwear and my dirty converse

I pulled on a clean band shirt, not a clue who they are, some black sweatpants and my socks and shoes, oh lets not forget my hoodie

Before i decide to go i'm gonna write a letter to my father, good or bad reaction, i wont be here to know, i started writing.

"Dear Mathias,

I cant live like this father, i just can't, Im sick and tired of being a slave to you and your goddamn girlfriend.

I'm done with you,

You pathetic piece of shit, i hope you rot in hell!

-Sincerely Taro-

I scoff and put the letter on my bed, I go towards the window and look down to see the height i gotta jump.

"Maybe if i land on the top ledge of the window i could get down safe?" I shrug and just pray to god i don't break my legs.

I opened the window and slowly lowered myself down towards the top ledge of the window, I surprisingly didn't slip and die yet, i jumped and landed in a frog position but got up and wiped my hands on my pants.

How did i make it down safely..we'll never know but for now all i'm doing is running to the woods, the woods everyone used to say was haunted, bloody murderers in there but i don't care, not now.

I'm running, running as far as i can but i can't see anything, it's all dark. I lean on a tree while trying to catch my breath, I look around but to no avail i can't see shit.

"You know you're not supposed to be here" A whisper in my left ear, I look around in a panic as i still catch my breath. "What the" I stood in shock for awhile before I shook the feeling of uneasiness off as i continue running.

Let's say im a good 5-20 miles away from my house, if i can even call it that, I'm alone with only my thoughts or i think i am.

"Holy crap I'm tired" I huffed out as i lean on a tree and slid down on it, I sigh as i slowly slip into a sleepy state.

I start closing my eyes but before i'm fully asleep I see a big figure next to me, tentacles? They're making my way towards me.

I can't sit up! WHY CAN'T I SIT UP?!?!

I slowly fall into a darkness that tears me from the hurt of the world..

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