3 - Who are you?

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Kim Rae Yan POV

"Rae Yan. It's Park Hae Min! Don't you remember him?" Rae Joon asked me.

Park Hae Min. I can't remember him. By just hearing his name, my head felt like bursting.

"I'm sorry but I don't remember you... Uhm...I guess you need some catching up. I bet you're hungry, Rae Joon. I'll just buy some food and be back soon. Please excuse me." I said and gave him a quick nod. I left the room hurriedly as I cannot hold on to the pain in my head anymore.

As I closed the door from behind me, I can't barely breathe as my head hurts so much. Who is he that makes me feel so much pain? Why am I hurting so much? I could hear my heart beating fast. I felt like I'm about to get sick. I'm down on my feet and trying to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" A passing by nurse asked as she noticed me sitting on the floor with my hands on my head.

"I'm okay. My head just hurt a little." I said as I stood up.

"Do you want me to check on your vitals to make sure everything's okay?" She asked.

"No. Don't worry I'm okay. Thank you." I said as the pain ease a little and I started walking.

Curiousity runs in my mind. Who is Park Hae Min?

When I came back at Rae Joon's room, Hae Min already left. I was relieved.

"Hae Min told me I can be discharged tomorrow." He said as I was setting up the food I bought.

"Sounds good." I said.

"Don't you remember him at all?" He asked curiously.

"I really don't remember him." I said without looking at him.

The next day, as I was preparing Rae Joon's stuff, a man entered the room. As I took a short glance at him, I noticed he's not wearing his doctor's gown. His slender body show off without it. I realized he's more good looking without it. And I admit he is a gorgeous man. My heart skipped a beat. But then, my head started to hurt again as he slowly walked towards Rae Joon. I tried to tolerate the pain and continued to pack Rae Joon's things.

Rae Yan, get hold of yourself. I told myself.

"Huh? Hae Min? What are you doing here?" Rae Joon asked curiously.

"It's my day off today. I thought of seeing you before you leave. And if it's okay, can I take you home instead?" Hae Min said.

"No. I ca-." I was cut off by Rae Joon.

"That's a good idea! We need more catching up to do anyway. We have a lot more to talk about on our way." Rae Joon said excitedly as Hae Min picked up the bag on the bed.

On the way out of the hospital, walking near Hae Min seems like my world is spinning. I can't breathe. I'm getting dizzy. I'm having a hard time catching my breath. I feel like I'm about to collapse. Then suddenly.

"Rae Yan!" Rae Joon said.

"Huh." I said as I looked around. I didn't noticed that we were already at the parking lot.

"Are you okay?" Rae Joon asked.

"I'm okay." I said.

"Let's go." Hae Min said as he opened the passenger's door and assisted Rae Joon in entering the car.

"My car is parked over there. Go ahead and I'll catch up." I said.

"See you then at home." Rae Joon said.

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