11 - Goodbye

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Kim Rae Yan - POV

I was awaken by the ring coming from my phone. With my eyes still shut and my head still buried on the pillow, I tapped the top of the desk beside my bed to reach for my phone. As soon as I felt it, I grabbed and said in a husky voice "Hello."

I heard a woman's voice suddenly answered back from the other line.

"Good morning. This is Mrs. Park So Ra, Hae Min's mom."

As soon as I heard who she was, it gave me a little shiver. I opened my eyes and immediately pulled myself up and said.

"Good morning too Mrs. Park. It's my plea-" I was cut off when she said.

"Can we meet for lunch later?"

"Umm...Yeah sure.!" I said stuttering.

"Okay good. I'll text you the address of the restaurant. I'll see you then. Bye for now."

Before I could say my goodbye, she hanged up on me. She's odd. She sounded like a person who doesn't like me.

An hour before the appointed time, I was hurrying down the stairs that I almost bump on Rae Joon.

"Hey! Watch out! Why are you in a rush?" He yelled at me.

"I'm going to meet Hae Min's mom for lunch." I said.

"Well, good luck then." He said as he smirked.

"Thanks! I needed that!" I said as I rushed to my car and drove to the address Mrs. Park had texted me earlier. I don't want to be late.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I was assisted by the receptionist to a private dining room reserved by Mrs. Park. As she opened the door, I looked at my watched and thought 'Am I late?' as I saw her already in there waiting for me.

"I'm sorry for keep you waiting." I said as I took a quick nod and took a seat.

"Oh don't be. You're just in time." She said.

"By the way, I already ordered our food." She contined and the waitresses started serving our food.

As I begin to dig in to the food in front of me, she said.

"I'm glad you're okay. It must have been so hard for you during those times."

I understood immediately what she was referring to.

"Yes and I thank God for that." I said.

After eating, the waitress cleared the table and brought us tea.

"So, I guessed you know the reason why I called you to meet up with me." She said.

"Not really. But I know for sure this is all about Hae Min." I said as I sip my tea.

"I know for sure that you already know that he's about to be engaged with Eun Hee and it must be done as soon as possible. Do you know that he wants to give up all his dreams and everything he worked hard for because of you. I won't let that happen." She said as I kept my silence and continued sipping my tea.

"I heard too that you once dated Jin Young. I guessed you've been entangle between our families." She said smirkingly as she continued.

She took out a paper from her bag and slid it towards me. It's a sonogram. And Eun Hee's name was on there.

"You know what that means, right? That's Hae Min's 2 months unborn child with Eun Hee. I think you're old enough to know what I'm trying to say. And I guessed you know what to do." She said as she grabbed her bag and stood up.

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