14 - I Finally Found You

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Kim Rae Yan - POV

The next morning, I took Ki Sang and Haneul to different beautiful spots in the island. This is a first time for me. I haven't done any photoshoot ever in my entire career. It was my first time to shoot portraits. All I did was to capture beautiful landscapes as both the foreground and background. And now here I am, taking photos of people with stunning backgrounds. I am enjoying what I'm doing right now. For a moment, I forgot everything I left behind in Korea including the 2 most important people in my life - Rae Joon and Hae Min - whom I missed so much.

After a couple of hours of taking photos of the couple, I noticed Ki Sang kept looking at his phone. He then said.

"I'm hungry. Why don't we grab lunch first then we continue after, if it's still okay for you?"

Although we only agreed until lunch time, but because I am enjoying this, I said.

"Yeah sure. Why not."

"Great! Let's go! I'm starving!" Haneul said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me to walk with her.

At the cafe, while we were busy looking at the menu, Ki Sang received a phone call.

"Excuse me, I have to answer this." Ki Sang said as he stood up and walked out of the cafe.

After a couple of minutes, he went back and said.

"By the way, a friend of us will be joining us for lunch. Will that be okay for you? Don't worry he's korean too."

"Sure. No problem with me. As long as he doesn't bite." I jokingly said without hesitation.

"Great! Don't worry he won't! So, are we ready to order?" He asked.

"Yeah!" Haneul and I said at the same time.

As soon as the waitress left after taking our order, Ki Sang's phone started beeping again. He glanced for a while to check on it. He looked around and said.

"Oh he's here!" He said as he waved his hand to the person standing by the entrance.

I slowly turned my head to looked at the guy he's waving at. To my surprise, my whole body froze. Although, I felt something odd since I woke up this morning, I never have expected that I would see him again this soon. I can sense from here the happiness in his eyes.

He found me. He finally found me. That's all I thought for now.

I was stunned. I stared at him as he walked towards us. As he gets closer, I'm feeling dizzy. It feels like the oxygen in my head was drying up.

"I don't think you need introductions as you know each other very well." Ki Sang said.

"Hi Rae Yan. It's nice to see you again. I guessed fate is still on our side. I finally found you...again." Hae Min said as he reached out his hand to me.

I stood up and when I was about to reach my hand to him, I slowly fell on the floor. I hear people calling out my name before I totally blacked out.


Park Hae Min -POV

As she was about to reach my hand, she fell on the ground in front of me. I immediately rushed to catch her. I was so worried she might hit her head on the floor.

As people flocked around us, I demanded to give some space. I checked on her vitals and wiped the sweat on her pale face.

"Please everyone back up! She needs some air, please!" I said.

Ki Sang and Haneul helped me push people back. I grab the menu and flapped on her for air.

"Rae Yan! Wake up please!" I said anxiously as the woman I love is lying in front of me unconsciously.

"Please call for help!" Ki Sang said to the employee of the cafe.

"The ambulance is on their way sir!" The waitress said.

After a couple of minutes, Rae Yan gained her consciousness back.

"What happened. Help me up please." She said as she struggled to get up.

"You passed out." I said as I helped her up. Haneul hand a glass of water to me and helped her drink.

When the paramedics arrived, Rae Yan insisted that she doesn't need to go to the hospital.

"I'm okay. Maybe I'm just tired and dehydrated. I don't need to go to the hospital." She said.

"Please, you have to go. We're not sure why you fainted. I think there's more than just dehydration." I said as I am worried that it may be because of the brain surgery she had.

The paramedics took her on a stretcher. I went with her in the ambulance. As soon as we arrived at the hospital, I requested for her to undergo all laboratory tests and CT scan.

After all the tests, she was transferred to a private room. She was given saline thru IV because of dehydration.

"Thank you. I'm glad you're here." She said.

"Shhh...go rest for awhile. We'll talk later okay." I said as I brush her hair with my fingers and grip her hand with my other hand.

"I'll wake you up when your results are back, okay." I said and kissed her forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes. I slumped my head on the side of the bed and suddenly felt tired because of my trip. I slowly drifted to sleep too.

After a couple of hours, I was awaken by a knocked on the door. I pulled myself up, Ki Sang and Haneul came in.

"How is she?" Ki Sang softly asked.

"She's okay for now. Have a sit." I said as they sat on the couch across the bed.

Moments later, Rae Yan was awaken by the knock from the door. Then a female doctor came in and said.

"Good afternoon! I'm Dr. Bernardez. I reviewed all her lab tests including her CT and MRI scans. So far, everything is normal. And the baby is fine." She said as she smiled at us.

I looked at Rae Yan and saw a question in her face as she struggled to sit up. I helped her out and put a pillow on her back to make her confortable. I looked back at the doctor and asked.

"Baby? What baby?"

"Oh! You don't know. She's approximately 12 weeks pregnant. Congratulations! Please take care of your wife. I recommend her to see an obstetrician for her pre-natal check up. I'll leave for now." She smilingly said.

"Thank you!" I took a quick nod and she left.

"Congratulations!" Ki Sang and Haneual cheered at the same time.

I looked back to Rae Yan and saw her rubbing her belly with tears rolling down her cheeks. I held her hand tight as I dropped a tender kiss on her lips and said.

"I love you so much."

She smiled and said.

"Thank you for finding me. I love you so much too."


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