13 - Looking for my Bride

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Park Hae Mn - POV

Days became weeks and weeks became months. It's been 3 months since I moved back to Sungcheon. I am now working as a doctor in a local community hospital. It's been 3 months since I saw Rae Yan. I missed her so much. As time is passing by, I'm becoming more desperate. My plans and options are running out.

As I was relaxing at the balcony of my rented apartment after a long day shift, I keep down all our text messages to each other until the last one.

You will find me! These words kept repeating in my mind. But how? How can you find a person who doesn't want to be found?

While I was scrolling down on my social media account, I came accrossed a post of a girl with a missing dog. She reached out to the public for any information whoever may  have seen her dog. From that, I had an idea.

I uploaded a picture of Rae Yan with a caption:

"Please help me find my lost bride!"

I tagged all my friends in the post. All of them responded positively and the post was shared a hundred times.


Kim Rae Yan - POV

I've been living in this beautiful island for the past 3 months. I never stayed at one place for this long since I started working as a photographer. I still don't know until when will I be staying here but I don't have any plan of going anywhere yet. I will go home once everything back there is settled.

Today, this place was packed with tourists from different countries. After taking a couple of pictures for my photobook, I went to my usual hang out place - a cafe inside the resort that is overlooking a swimming pool. This is where I spend most of my time. Everyone working here calls me Ms. Rae.

This day at the cafe seems odd. It's very busy as usual.  But I caught a couple taking a selfie with me at the background. Then I spotted a group of young adults doing the same thing with me at the background. Suddenly I felt anxious and paranoid. I felt sick and nauseous. So, I packed my stuff and went to the counter to pay.

"Ms. Rae, you're leaving early today." Kath, the petit but pretty young girl who is working as a part time cashier said.

"Yes! I left something in my villa. I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I took a quick nod at her and left.


As soon as Rae Yan left the cafe, a korean couple head to the cashier to pay.

"That would be 258 pesos sir." Kath said.

"Here. Umm... by the way. The lady who just left. She seems to be a regualr here. She's korean right?" The guy asked.

"Oh yeah! She is!" Kath said.

"Do you happen to know her name?" The woman asked.

"Umm. I don't know her full name sir. But everyone calls her Ms Rae." Kath said.

"Ah okay. Thank you." The guy said and the couple head out of the cafe.

As soon as the couple got out of the cafe, they looked around to see where Rae Yan headed to. But with a lot of people around, it was hard to find out the direction she took.

Meanhile, after a long day of looking after outpatients, Hae Min was able to open and checked his phone. As he opened his social media account, a notification appeared. He was tagged in a post with a caption.

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