Chapter 12: The Unknown Future

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The next morning in Caras Galadhon, the sun rose and shined through the trees. Amdiriel and Boromir got up early just out of habit and went to find breakfast while letting the others rest a little while longer before breakfast. One by one they each woke and The Fellowship got up and prepared to leave. The entire time Amdiriel could see something was playing on her brother's mind when she asked what was wrong he just said it was nothing that he was just thinking too much. Amdiriel decided not to push, she knew Boromir would tell her when he was ready. 

Aragorn however, his mind was in a daze. His memory had returned to him after 30 years. He remembered everything from arriving at Mias Tirith to meeting Amdiriel to every moment they spent together, the loved they shared and what had torn them apart. It was all so much for the ranger to take in. Nor could he worry about it right now for they had to move on with the mission at hand. 

Haldir came and escorted the fellowship to a river where the elves had prepared things for them.  Haldir had then pulled Amdiriel aside at the request of her grandparents while the others waited. 

The Fellowship soon waited by the banks of the river for Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel to send them off. The Fellowship stood side by side as Lord Celebron approached while Lady Galadriel stood behind them watching on.

"We have prepared three boats for you to aid you down the River Anduin. The Elves of Cara Galadon have also prepared provisions for your journey. We send you off with all the blessing of Elves in hope that you will remain safe and the purpose would be forefilled." Celeborn said.

He then nodded to some Elves that were behind him, Amdiriel and Haldir among them. They placed green cloaks on the Fellowship and fastened them with a beautiful leaf brooch. Amdiriel fastened Aragorn's while Celeborn was the one to fasten Boromir's cloak. Celeborn shared a look with his grandson, pain could be seen in the elf lord's eyes but Boromir gave him a small nod. Amdiriel kept her eyes on the clasp as she placed the clock around Aragorn but it was inevitable to not feel his burning stare. 

Celeborn and the other elves stepped back when finished "Never before have we claded strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." he said.

Galadriel then moved forward to present her gifts to each member of the Fellowship. While she did, Celeborn took Amdiriel aside to speak with her in private one last time. 

"Be careful, my dear one. I know how much of a burden you must feel with all that weighs on you, I wish it didn't have to." Celeborn said. Amdiriel gave him a small smile "I know but if not me than who would take my place." "We are very proud of you, all of us and I know your mother would be too. You have so much of her in you." he said and kissed her head. "We believe in you, so do your brothers and the people but you have to believe in yourself."  "Thank you for everything." she said, Amdiriel feared this would be the last time she would see him but she knew she had to hope for another time. Amdiriel hugged her grandfather for possibly the last time, so she poured all she had into the hug. Celeborn held her close, hoping to pass on the strength that she needed and kissed the side of her temple one last time before they pulled away. She placed her hand over her heart and bowed her head "My Lord." she said as Celeborn mirrored he action "My Queen." he said with a small smile before she walked over to say her final farewell to Haldir. 

"Goodbye old friend." he said. "You know I hate those words. I just a farewell until I return. So don't do anything too risky until I get back. " she said in the hope to lighten the mood. The two joked for the moments they had. 

Across from them, Galadriel came to Aragorn to present her gift to him but she had none in her hands. 

"I have nothing greater to give than the gift you already bear." She told him as her hands hovered over the Evanstar that hung from his neck. "The spell has been broken has it not? I felt a powerful breakthrough last night. And the way you look at her..." she said. "I do not believe she knows yet. It was all so much when I awoke this morning. I do not know how to tell her. I feel guilty for I put her through such heartbreak, pain, and sorrow for 30 years."  Aragorn admitted. "That was not of your doing, that was caused by a selfish and grief driven man. She still loves you just as much as the day she pledged her love to you. It is her choice to stand by you." she said and looked back up into his eyes. "You have your own choice to make, Aragorn. To rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil or fall into darkness with all that is left of your kin." Galadriel then let her eyes drift back to Amdiriel who know was chuckling with Legolas, Boromir, and the two hobbits Merry and Pippin as the two sat in the boat while the others passed them supplies.

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