Chapter 7: Her Story Told

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Early the next morning, the fellowship was preparing to leave for their dangerous mission. Amdiriel was ready long before daybreak but she had one last stop to make before she could leave the elf city. Which is why she walked in the distant garden, she wandered until she came across a large tombstone with elvish writing on it and a top of the stone was a sculpture of an elven lady. Amdiriel let her fingers glide over the hands of the stone figure and then to the cheek. Tears threatened to escape Amdiriel's eyes but she held them back.

"Your mother wanted to protect you that day" said her uncle's voice as he approached from behind her. "And even after all these years, you still think she made the mistake of saving you." he stated.
"Look where we are now. We are closer to the end of the world than the end of evil than we were 30 years ago." Amdiriel reminded him.

"Your mother wanted to protect you all your life especially when she saw the skill you possessed with weapons but she knew she would never be able to keep you from battle, there was too much of herself in you to know she wouldn't be able to stop you. In her heart, your mother knew that you would be hunted all your life, that you would never escape your fate." Elrond replied.

"What if she was wrong?...What if it's not me?"Amdiriel doubted. "I was in there in Gondor when your mother gave birth to you. I was there when you first opened your eyes and they burned beautifully with an orange and red flame. Your eyes do that when you fight to protect what you love when you're willing to do anything to keep them safe. That is why the enemy hunts you and hunts to destroy all hold dear. You are a dangerous weapon in this war, but you must not lose yourself." Elrond explained as he brushed her hair to the side. "So there is no other?" She asked. Elrond gave her a sad smile and replied. "I wish I could take this burden from but you're our hope."

Amdiriel nodded in understanding as her thoughts drifted to Aragorn. "At the end of all this, if we survive and he loves another and he's happy...I'll leave with you, I will let him go." She told him.
"Amdi-" Elrond tried but his niece cut him off "I love him enough to let him go if I have to. All I want for him is to be happy, and if he is then I can ask for no more than that and I can leave knowing I did everything I could and he will be safe." she told him. "...If I survive." Elrond took Amdiriel into his arms for what he knew could be possible a long time for her future was unforeseeable.

"You will return and I want you to be happy...regardless of what the world wants, regardless of what I want." he told her. They both knew this was their silent goodbye.
"I love you, dear" "I love you too." was all that was said before they pulled apart, bowed their heads to each other and Amdiriel turned to walk away, wiping the small tear from her cheek. She hated goodbyes. Elrond watched his beloved niece until he saw Aragorn over by his mother's grave. The two were so much like each other in personality and past experiences.

The fellowship lined up together as Elrond addressed them one last time.
"The Ring-bearer is setting out on a quest to Mount Doom and you who travel with him, no oath or bond is laid to gon further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessing of elves, men and all free folk go with you."

Amdiriel, Legolas and Aragorn placed their hands over their hearts and bowed their heads in respect, thanks and a final farewell to the elf lord.

"The fellowship awaits the Ring-bearer." Gandalf declared. Frodo then turned and lead the way out to leave, each member following behind in a single file line. Amdiriel was the last to follow but before she could, she gave her uncle one last look. In return, he gave her a small smile and a nod. Amdiriel took a deep breath and made her way out of the city with the others. As she walked out, she remembered all she was leaving behind but also what she was fighting for. Their future now rested now in the fate of this quest.

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