Chapter 33: The Path of the Dead

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Author's Note: I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update. I got asked back to work full-time school has been kicking my butt. I will try to have the next chapter up soon as possible. Thank you so much for all the love and support of this book. 

The four friends walked quietly and slowly through the cave. A single torch was being held by Aragorn as he led them through the darkness of the cave, Amdiriel following close behind. Behind her was Legolas as a nervous wreck Gimli took up the rear. The sight of a subtle green mist followed them as they continued on. Aragorn inched forward with curiosity as to what was on the wall. The mystery was soon revealed to be a large pile of skulls. Aragorn sneered in disgust while Amdiriel held her that was in hand a little tighter. She did not like the eerie sense of doom and death that seemed to fill the air around them.

"What is it? What do you see?" Gimli questioned as he watched Legolas's glance in several different directions before settling on the pile of skulls. Gimli knew Legolas and Amdiriel well enough to know that they could see the spirits of those no longer living. "I see shapes of men...and horses." Legolas told him as Amdiriel looked around the shapes of green being nothing but silhouettes.

"Pale banners like shreds of cloud." Legolas continues "Spears rise like a winter thickets through a shroud of mist." Amdiriel could feel the shiver of the elf's words crawl down her back. "Legolas I swear, one more creepy poetic verse from you and I will stab with your own arrow." Amdiiel told him but no laugh was heard as both Legolas and Amdiriel felt a sensation flow through them. "The dead are following. They have been summoned." Legolas said bluntly as they all except Gimli picked up their pace. Gimli had spun around with a gasp. "The dead?! Summoned?!" he questioned the fear evident in his voice but he quickly tried to recover with "I knew that. Very good. Very good. Legolas!" called out the dwarf when he realized he was falling behind.

As the group took a sharp turn into the next hallway, a foggy mist seemed to settle as they ever so slowly walked through the hall. Suddenly the mist started to form and rise up. It took the form of hands and began to claw at the four as they carefully and confusedly moved onward. Gimli stilled as a hand rose near his face due to his shortness but before it could the dwarf started to try to blow them away with only his breath but the closer it got the harder he blew soon bringing his hands up to swat away the mist as the others looked at the hands.

Aragorn then hears a crack under his feet and glances down, his head immediately shooting upwards when he sees what is under him "Do not look down." he advises them. Amdiriel held her breath, a million and one thought running through her head as to what could be under her feet. "You had to say that? Now all I want to do is look down." Amdiriel told them as they all continued to move across the floor carefully. It wasn't till Amdiriel heard the continuous cracking of something coming from under Gimli's feet as he tried to tread lightly that she looked down. A gasp immediately left her lips as she saw the floor covered in human skulls. Amdiriel's head shot up as she squeezed Aragorn's hand. "I told you not to." He said. "Shut up." Amdiriel replied as they tried to move quickly through the cave.

Around them, the dust moved in a ghostly manner as they emerged running from around a corner. Aragorn leads them forward into an open space that contains a large building, looking to be the entrance of a possible kingdom.

"Who dares to enter my domain?" asked a creepy voice echoed throughout the cave causing all of them to turn around. A ghost now appeared before them, a crown sitting upon his skull. Suddenly a second ghost appeared next to him, a smaller crown as well sitting upon his skull. Amdiriel could only suspect it was the king's son, the prince standing next to his father.

"Ones who will have your allegiance." Aragorn replied without fear in his voice. "The dead do not suffer the living to pass." the King said. "You will suffer us." Aragorn told him. The king then began to laugh which then echoed throughout the cave. Suddenly a ghost-like city appeared before them. They watched as the army came out and circled around them immediately, leaving them with no escape.

"The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead and the dead keep it." the ghost quoted. "The way is shut." the king repeated and started to move towards Aragorn and Amdiriel, the prince following next to him. "Now you must die." Immediately an arrow flew from Legolas's bow air into but through the king's head having no effect on the advancing ghost. Amdiriel and Aragorn the look of the determination being worn on each of their faces as they stood side by side, swords were drawn and at the ready.

"We summon you to fulfill your oath." Aragorn said and moved towards the king as Amdiriel advanced on the prince "None but the King and Queen of Gondor may command me." snared the King. Side by side Aragorn and Amdiriel raised their swords in front of them at the ready. The King attacked Aragorn while the son attacked Amdiriel but both attacks were easily deflected. Both Aragorn and Amdiriel swung their swords towards the ground, making the ghosts drop their swords in shock.

"Those blades were broken." the King spit out. Aragorn grabbed the King and raised his sword against his neck. "They have been remade." Aragorn told him, releasing him and pushing him away. "Fight for us and regain your honor...What say you?" Aragon questions as he looked at the dead army, and then slowly began to walk through the crowd, them parting and making a path as Amdiriel followed close behind, both of them having their swords at the ready. 

"What say you?" he asked again. "Ach! You waste your time Aragorn. They had no honor in life and they have none now in death." Gimli commented but Aragorn paid him no mind. 

"I am Isildur's heir and this is the Captain of the White Tower. Fight for us and we will hold your oath fulfilled. What say you?" Aragorn asked. 

The king then laughed but this time it echoed throughout the cave and he and his men started to disappear. "You have my word. Fight and I shall release you from this living death." Aragorn tried urgently again but they continued to disappear. "No." Amdiriel said to herself. 

"Stand you traders!" Gimli yelled.

The earth beneath them then began to shake and skulls started to roll down to their feet. Before they knew it the kingdom-like building behind them then collapsed sending down an ocean of skulls.

"Out!" Aragorn yelled as grabbed Amdiriel by the hand and made a run for the exit without falling or getting swept up. 

"Legolas!" Amdiriel yelled as Aragorn dragged her forward and Legolas pushed their dwarf friend in front of him to help get him out faster. "Run!" Aragorn yelled as he reached the path that would lead them towards an exit. Aragorn pushed Amdiriel past him and he then turned and saw Legolas do the same to Gimli before the two continued to run on.  A few more steps and they had exited the cave and were found on the top of the side of the mountain they had entered. They all let out a breath of relief as the entrance to the cave became barricaded with boulders. They all let out a breath of relief as turned but were met with a horrific sight. 

Black ships were sailing straight for Gondor and the cities along the seashore were in flames. "No." Amdiriel whispered to herself as she fell to her knees, Aragorn next to her, believing that it was too late, they had failed. Legolas steps forward and places his hand on Aragorn's shoulder, trying to comfort his friend but he too didn't know what they could now do. Amdiriel could feel the tears in her eyes start o fall down her face but suddenly heard something come from behind her. Everyone else must have heard it too because the noise caused everyone to turn around and Amdiriel and Aragorn to rise to their feet. Out of the side of the mountain came the King of the Dead and the Prince. The king approached Aragorn while Amdiriel gripped her sword. 

"We fight." said the king. A smile quickly made its way to Amdiriel's face as she then wiped away the silent tears. "Come. There's not a moment to lose." Aragorn said as they all began to race down the mountainside hoping to stop the ships before it was too late. 

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