Chapter 5: Council Meeting

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Maethor awoke the next morning, dressed in a simple blue dress and circlet but in her feet, she wore her boots and inside each holding daggers. Normally for a lady, this would be nowhere near acceptable but for her, this was her everyday life.

Maethor then pulled on her dark hood and covered her face, she didn't know what evil servants could have been sent

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Maethor then pulled on her dark hood and covered her face, she didn't know what evil servants could have been sent. She made her way up to where she and Legolas had agreed to meet, together the two then went to join the council. Maethor and Legolas both knew that women weren't welcomed to such meetings but then again she wasn't your average woman.

The two had arrived just as Lord Elrond had, so there was no room for questions of her presence among the men. Only very few present actually knew who hid under the shadows of the cloak. Maethor sat next to the princeling, feeling every set of eyes on her as whispers as to who she was and why she was there but none were answered when Elrond called the council to order.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-Earth stands on the brink of destruction, none can escape it." Elrond now stood to his feet while Legolas and Maethor shared a look and then Legolas and Aragorn shared the same. "You will unite or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom." Elrond finished before he turned to Frodo. "Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." he said and motioned to the podium in the middle of the council.

Frodo stood to his feet and carefully placed the Ring before retaking his seat next to Gandalf. All stared as Maethor felt her lips turn into a snare, knowing this object was the cause of all her problems.

"So it is true..." All heard Boromir, the Captain of Gondor, whisper, casing all the attention to turn to him as he stood up from his seat. "In a dream...I saw the eastern sky grow dark but in the west, a pale light lingered. Voices crying 'Doom is near at hand. Isildur's Bane is found. Isildur's Bane..." Boromir inched closer and close with his hand out to the Ring, ready to take it. Maethor prayed that he would snap out of his trace but he didn't. So at the last second, both Maethor and Elrond jumped to their feet. "Boromir!" the two called out but it was drowned out as Gandalf spoke in the black language of Mordor, that was written on the band.

Everyone watched as the sky grew dark and the earth began to shake a bit. The elves braced themselves as the pain of darkness hit. Maethor sat back down in her chair immediately as her hands flew to her ears as if to try and block the sound out as she shut her eyes tightly. But the flashes of her bloody past appeared in her mind.

Once Gandalf was done, the sky cleared and all was back to normal as Boromir sat back in his seat. "Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tongue here in Imladris." Elrond said from his seat.

Legolas looked to Maethor who was trying to calm her breath. "It's okay, You're safe." he told her as he took her hand in comfort. Aragorn looked across at the two in concern. Maethor looked to Legolas and then to Elrond and then finally to Aragorn to bring herself back to reality.

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