Fast, Furious, and... On the Run? [Chapter 14 part1]

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Fast, Furious, and... On the Run?

14 part1

Pieces of metal, plastic, rubber, and other car materials were flying through the air as I felt a jacket thrown over me and the wheel chair start to roll somewhere. It was hard to tell with a jacket over my face where exactly we were going, but I was more distracted by the fact that by baby was just blown to pieces.

I was aware of the sound of an automatic door sliding open so I was assuming we were going back inside of the hospital. The last place I wanted to be seeing as I had just been extremely excited to leave.

I pulled and jacket off me and looked at it before decided it was Dean's and handing it back to him.

Both Steve and Dean had alarmed looks on their faces along with the rest of the the people that were currently occupying the room we were in.

Then we were all of a sudden surrounded by a group of doctors and nurses, checking to make sure we were alright. I knew I was fine, but I was worried about the other two. It was hard to tell what was going on with all of the commotion buzzing around me.

It was one of those moments where everything feels like it's moving in fast forward. Everyone is just moving amazingly fast.

Except it slowed down when I felt my phone vibrate, signalling that I had a text. I slowly opened it to reveal a message: Just because one of my followers is dead, doesn't mean I still don't want you gone.


so this is only PART of ch 14 or w.e this is. i cut the palm of my hand near my thumb on a piece of glass last night pretty good, and its still kinda sore. its starting to hurt a lot more from the typing though D; sooo i'll finish this tomorrow. sorry guys.

also, after this i figure there will be one more chapter and an epilogue. but i'm not positive. im still working it out in my head.

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