Becoming part of them

37 17 3

Alexa's P .O.V
I lifted his shirt and what I saw made me wince slightly. That clearly needed more than warm water and painkillers.

His rib was sticking out in an abnormal angle and there was blood everywhere. I went to the downstairs bathroom and took a first aid kit from the medicine cabinet.

Before I could go back, I leaned against the sink and looked at myself in the mirror. Even if I acted and looked calm, there were so many emotions playing in my heart.

My parents were gone and wouldn't contact me. A boy, not just any ordinary boy, a spy, who wanted me to be like him, was in my house and was seriously injured.

I had tons of work to finish that I hadn't even started. I had the principal and Bianca as my enemies, which meant my life at school would be harder. I seriously don't know for how long I will keep this cool face up.

I took a few deep breaths, went back and found that Krandal had removed his mask. I already knew that it was Cornor, so I didn't gasp or anything.

I guess the mask was uncomfortable. We had a short discussion about how I was not surprised, I cleaned his wound and tried to press the rib back to its original position. Cornor grimaced and bit his lip in pain.

I started freaking out, thoughts of me doing the wrong thing and hurting him more tormenting me. Maybe what I was doing could even kill him.

"Okay, calm down," I muttered to myself, " What do doctors do? Yeah make small talk to distract the patient, and maybe even to calm themselves. I could really use that."

"So... Your last name is Krandal, what about your middle one?" I asked Cornor. "You are not ready to handle my amazing name. Just bask on my last name for a few years," he croaked out, trying to smile but still biting his lip. I rolled my eyes at him then asked, "How did all this blood not leek out of the shirt?"

"It's a special shirt. It absorbs the blood, but apparently, doesn't heel you," he said the last part mostly to himself, rolling his eyes.

"I've noticed that you have a problem with the technicians. Why do you hate them so much?" I went on, slightly relaxing.

"They are the ones who hate me for reasons I don't know. They usually give me faulty weapons and sometimes refuse to give me the equipment that I need. Whenever something breaks, they pin the blame on me and get me in trouble. That is reason enough to hate them," he answered.

The wound started bleeding again, so I started cleaning it again. He looked at his wound then at me unsurely and asked," Do you know what you are doing?"

Truthfully, I did not know what I was supposed to do. I just did whatever came to my mind. I sighed, put the blood laden towels on the floor and said, "No. I have never worked on a wound as serious as this." I gestured towards his ribs.

He also sighed then said," It's already clean. Bandage it and I will go to the agency doctor." I carefully wrapped the bandage around his chest and stomach and pulled his shirt back down.

He tried to get up and fell back on the couch, groaning from the pain. I took a step towards him and stopped when he raised his hand and grumbled, "I can do it myself."

He tried again and this time stood up, his mask falling to the ground. I went to pick it up and again he stopped me and bent to pick it up himself.

I could see that he was really struggling to even walk, but he couldn't let me even go near him. As he was about to open the door, it burst open and made him fall down.

I was about to rush to his aid but I stood still when I saw who was at my door.

They were men in suits, so I guessed that they were from the agency. Three boys my age, who were at the back, cracked up as soon as they saw Cornor on the floor.

The guy in front, who seemed like the boss, gave them a look that shut them up instantly. He strode into the house, the others on his trail.

He stopped in front of me and said, "Your father has been shot by an enemy of ours. We don't know why he shot your father but our guess is that he likes killing innocent people, or that it is because you are Cornor's priority. By that, I mean Cornor loves you."

I couldn't believe my ears. Dad was shot?! And did he just say Cornor loves me? The boy who usually didn't even look at me loves me. If he hadn't kissed me the other day, I could have counted this as bullshit.

I glanced at him and found him staring daggers at the teenage boys, who were making kissing faces at him. I guessed that they were the tech geniuses.

I held back a smile as I saw Cornor mouth," I'll kill you," to the boys and as they stuck their tongues out at him in return. They were such babies...

I turned my attention back to the man dressed in a suit as he said," Join us and help us find him. We will make sure he gets what he deserves."

"But how can I help? I know nothing about crime fighting," I stated. The man smiled and said," You are way more than you think. I'm Mr. Rodriguez by the way," he outstretched his arm towards me, and surprisingly, I shook it.

I took another glance at Cornor and found him staring at our linked hands in shock. He then he averted his gaze to Mr. Rodriguez and scowled. Why was he acting so weird?


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