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Cornor's P.O.V

I got off the giant drone and my hand automatically went to my ribs as sharp pain coursed through them. My head immediately turned to Alexa and I found her light brown eyes fixed on me.

"Are you sure you are okay?" she asked, a hint of worry on her face and in her tone.

I assured her that I was fine, even if I felt like a hundred knives were being driven into my side.

While distracting those darned dogs, one of them decided that playing catch was not as fun as 'step on the spy' . I could hear something crack inside me as it set its gigantic foot on me.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Alexa invited me into her house. I looked at her with shock plastered across my face. She either didn't notice or was very good at acting.

"Won't your parents mind?" I asked her. She furrowed her brow, deep in thought before she broke into a smile and said," Nah. Just come in."

I didn't know nerds were this outgoing. First, she saved us from the dogs and now, she is inviting a boy she didn't know over? And here I thought she was too shy to even talk to me.

She led the way into the house and immediately took off, maybe to find her parents and explain everything.

As I was closing the door behind me, I saw a note stuck to it. "I should give this to Alexa," I whispered to myself, but I couldn't help reading it once I saw the word 'shot'.

I read through it, hoping against hope it was not what I thought it was. Unfortunately, it was exactly what I feared.

Her dad was mysteriously shot and was rushed to the hospital, where her mother was at the moment. Her mother had requested her to go to the hospital as soon as she read the note.

The only people who could have shot her innocent father were the agency members. I thought I made it clear at the meeting that I didn't want innocent people being killed!

I ran into the room, apologizing to Mr. Rodriguez (my boss) for being late. He mumbled something about the meeting being all about my case before rising to his feet and welcoming everyone.

He called Martin to kick off the dumb meeting. So half the meeting was about how we found our arch nemesis' daughter, Alexa.

Alexa had two other siblings and they were triplets but we only found her because she looks so much like her father. The thing that mainly helped us though, is that she doesn't wear makeup. If she did, we would never have recognized her.

We were planning to use her to lure her dad out and then lock him up, forever. I know that it sounds harsh, but we need to lock him up because he has been stealing so many valuable inventions from us for god knows what! Yes, we've tried talking to him but that animal never listens.

So I was supposed to talk to that nobody and get her on our team. When I told them that I had already gotten her attention by kissing her, we moved on to other plans. They didn't even congratulate me! It was like kissing a nerd in front of people was nothing. I decided to let it slip this time.

So, we discussed about security and how to act around Alexa once she is here. When we were done, Mr. Rodriguez asked if any of  us had suggestions.

Martin stood up and said," Let's kill one of her parents and blame Frank (her real father) so that she can willingly help us take him down."

Everyone seemed to think that it was a brilliant idea but I certainly did not. Not when all this 'killing innocent people' got me into this shady society and made me an orphan.

My father was part of this place and did his best to keep the rest of us away from it. When they asked too much from him, he quit and that made them angry.

They threatened to kill me if he didn't carry out the mission. My father stood his ground and they planned to shoot me.

Luckily or unluckily, my mother got in the way and was killed instead. My father was broken. When he couldn't take the pain anymore, he disappeared. The problem is, no one knows if he is still alive. And since it was tradition to include the next of kin in this dirty business, I got myself here at the age of eight.

I had no parents, no family, and I had to call this shitty place home. So I told the guys that I didn't approve of the plan. They suddenly just dropped it and we were dismissed.

I thought that we agreed that they wouldn't harm anyone. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Alexa coming. I don't know why, but I quickly shoved the note into my pocket.

I turned to look at her so fast that the pain in my ribs came back. I winced slightly and she gave me a confused look and asked me if I had seen the note.

"No." Damn it Cornor! Why are you lying? You should just tell her the truth, right? Yeah, then get her to hate us even before she gives us a chance and get a one way ticket to painful death.

She then checked her phone, probably for any texts.She could easily know where her parents are if they texted her. Hiding the note and lying to her was useless and stupid.

I watched her try to call her mom with the same confused expression on her face to no avail. She sighed, put the phone in her pocket and showed me to the living room, like nothing happened.

"So... out of curiosity, are you paid in the agency?" she asked as I got settled on my couch.

Ha! Like they would ever waste their filthy money on us. "Nope. We just wish to make the world a better place. No charges." LIE!!!

"Oh... that's pretty good of you. Maybe I'll join after all," she said then went to bring a towel, warm water and painkillers and set out to work. Once she lifted my shirt to take a look, she grimaced and said in a voice close to a whisper, "This needs more than warm water and painkillers."

She swallowed hard, took a deep breath and left. My mask was getting a bit uncomfortable, so I took it off, not at all caring about keeping my identity secret and all that. Anyway... if she is joining us she will eventually know who I am. Alexa came back carrying a first aid kit in her hands.

She looked at my face for a second then sat down in front of me. To say the truth, I was surprised that she wasn't surprised.

"How are you not saying, 'OMG! Cornor! You are the freakishly good-looking spy?'" I asked, smiling.

She rolled her eyes then said, smiling, "Your last name is Krandal. If you didn't want me to know who you were, you could have used a made-up name instead."

She wasn't as dumb as I thought, and she wasn't like other girls. I also noticed that when my gorgeous smile didn't distract or disorient her.

I had a feeling that even if I was being forced to even talk to her, I was going to like her. That was very risky in this hopeless situation.

As a spy, you could never risk getting too close to anyone because you would definitely lose them later. It was better to trust and love yourself and yourself alone...


A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for updating late. I had some electrical issues.

So... tell me what you think of the chapter.

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