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"Woah Woah woah, back up. So... you went to look for snacks in the kitchen, where you left Alice and Clyssara to come and eaves-drop on us, and found blood everywhere. Clyssara's phone kept glitching and when you touched it, it shocked your arm and showed a message saying 'hand her over or they die'?" Alexis said, eying Bianca suspiciously.

"Yes," Bianca whimpered, her mascara all over her face. The girl even wears makeup to a sleepover, I don't know if I should be respecting that right now.

"Look at how much Clyssy's phone hurt me," she whined, outstretching her arm for us to see. Pffft... Did she really think we were worried about her and her stupid arm. For all we know, Alice and that other girl(didn't bother to remember her name) could be dead. And the message said,'Hand her over'? Hand who over? Alexis?! Because I know I couldn't be in any way, important.

"Guys... This is bad. This is real bad," Cornor said, pacing to and fro in the room then he suddenly stopped and flashed Bianca a strained smile, "What about... You go take care of your hand with Alex-"

"WHAT?!?!" Alex cut in, "I'm not going anywhere with her."

Cornor gave him a stern look and said, "Okay then... If you want to tell her all about our "play", be my guest. "

Alex huffed in irritation then grumbled, "Let's go take a look at your arm, Bianca."

Bianca just looked at Cornor, then Alex, then Cornor again and finally flashed me a warning look before leaving.

"You two," his head whipped towards our direction, "cover for us at school, Alexis. Alexa, make sure you take notes for all of us."

"But I'm not even in your-"

"Find a way to do it. I'll take care of the missing girls."

"Be careful," Alexis chanted behind him as he ran out.

"'make sure you take notes for us... Find a way to do it' when I'm not even in any of your classes. I think I'm gonna-"

"Woah there hot head, you know he doesn't mean any harm. Take it this way, he thinks... no he knows that you are the only one capable of getting all the notes. It's some kind of test. Make sure you pass it."

"Suuuurrrreee. I change into clothes I've never been comfortable in to impress you and you go on to throw me an impossible test. Best. Day. Ever!" I mumbled as I trudged out the door, Alexis right behind me.

Once we got outside, Alexis handed me one of her bags and said with a sweet smile, "I noticed that you didn't have yours. This one has all the extra books and equipment you will need."

I took the bag and checked inside, chirping a thanks. Her smile widened then she said in a sing-song voice, "Since I did you a favour, you have to do me one too."

I rolled my eyes, mentally face-palming myself for believing that she was a hundred percent good, "What do you want?"

"Oh, just your famous chocolate chip cookies," she said, hugging my arm. I couldn't help but smile at this. This girl was definitely something... "Pweeeeeeeze!" she continued when I didn't answer, making a puppy face.

"Of course. How can I say no to that cute face?" I said, slightly pinching her cheeks.

"Yaaaaaaay!!!" she chanted, running way ahead of me, "let's go kick some butt!" This girl was even more childish than I could've imagined. I ran after her, shaking my head in amusement and letting the bag she gave me swing up and down beside me.

When we got to the gate, she whistled and down came a drone. These people and drones... Once we got on, she held my hand, giving me a knowing smile and said, "Invisimo." making us go invisible.

She raised her body slightly and up we went, this time slower than the last time I was on this thing. But once we reached the top of her house, we surged forward at top speed, Alexis and I screaming our lungs out for different reasons. I was screaming because I was scared out of my mind, Alexis was screaming because she enjoyed it to the point of screaming.

In a matter of seconds, we were at the rooftop of the school. We got off the drone and I felt it scurrying away even though it was still invisible. Alexis pulled up a part of the roof and we both jumped down into the school, Alexis gracefully landing on her feet and me not-so-gracefully landing on my butt.

Alexis chuckled, removing a kind of remote from her bag and pressed the button, making holograms of Cornor, Alex, Alice, the other girl and Bianca. "What?! Your job is so easy... Can these holograms take notes?" I asked, a glimmer of hope in my eyes.

"Nope," Alexis deadpanned and killed all my hope and the joy that came with it, "They can only walk around and say random words."

At that, Alex's hologram said, "Fuck off!" We both chuckled at that and Alexis said, "It's exactly like him."

"Let's go. Show me where they are all taking first period. I've got an idea," I said, getting up and going down the stairs to the second floor of our school. I went to each class, forcing Alexis to ask some of the pupils to take notes for the rest of the group. I was tempted to leave Bianca to fend for herself but the angel on my shoulder couldn't let me.

After we got those notes under control, I went to my first period, finally relieved because part of my task was done. After this, I knew Bianca and Alex would come to school and I'd only have to worry about Cornor, Alice and what'shername.

Just as a small smile was lingering on my lips, I heard my name being called through the speakers,"Alexa Rose, please come to the principal's office."

Darn it!!!


Heeeeeey my amazing readers. I'm so sorry for my late update, I'm just so super busy these days, juggling a lot on my puny two hands.

Ok.... So, to keep the tradition up, I'm going to tell you this about me: I'm crazy. Yep, you read that right. Wacko, coocoo, bonkers. Hehehe, but this only happens either when I'm super mad or when I'm super happy.

And here is an announcement: I'll try to update all my books once a week, maybe there close to the weekend. Either on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Thanks for being patient and for reading. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Lav y'all.

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