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Obviously, it was the one and only Bianca Waters, girl best known to show up when not needed.

For a moment, we all froze there, staring at each other in shock. I was the one who broke the ice by saying awkwardly, "Wh-whaaaaaat? Noooooo."

Well... that definitely didn't work. Bianca just scoffed and asked, "Then what's all this bullshit about an agency and enemies and bosses?"

"You must've-" Alexis started but Bianca cut her off crossly, "Don't you dare tell me that I heard my own things because I recorded all of it on my phone."

She then pressed the play button and we sat there, listening to the story all over again. Just great. She has evidence, could things get any worse? After it was all over, she turned her phone off and hissed, "Explain."

I looked over at Alexis and saw her playing with a loose string on her blanket, avoiding any eye contact. My eyes went a little to her left, where Alex was... was he SLEEPING?!!! That son of a- How could he sleep at such a moment?!

I bit my lip to keep myself from cursing out loud and turned over to Cornor, who was running his hands through his brown locks of hair, maybe trying to come up with a solution.

My eyes finally landed on Bianca, who was looking at all of us, an irritating smirk on her ugly face.

"Isn't it obvious," I asked her, standing up while rolling my eyes. Cornor and Alexis looked at me as if I had lost my mind. Maybe I had, but I would do anything to wipe that smirk off Bianca's face.

"Isn't what obvious?" she asked, still smirking.

"Do we look like fictional characters to you? Or are we from a movie?" I started moving towards her.

"I-" She stepped back, the smirk finally gone.

"Exactly. Would you, in a million years, believe that I am a spy? Then you really are dumber than you look. Me, ordinary old Alexa, a spy?!" This time, I took and intimidating step towards her.

"Well-" she continued moving backwards.

"That's what I thought. Now, let's use the little of your mind to reason things out. If it seems impossible for these things to happen in real life, then they must be in a book or movie. But why would the three coolest kids watch a movie with me? So those options are automatically out. They obviously needed my brains and the only possible reason is... a school play. Cornor and the rest need my help in a school play. Got that, thickhead." By now, she was outside the room.


"Aaaarrghh! Once a thickhead, always a thickhead. Now go get us snacks you slob," I said then slammed the door in her face.

I waited until her stomping faded then I turned around and smiled widely at Cornor and Alexis. They both smiled at me and Cornor said, giving me a high-five," If I knew you were this talented at lying, I'd bring you to my class every time I didn't do homework."

Alexis laughed then said, "There's a reason she rarely get's in trouble."

We all laughed happily then turned to look at Alex. Alexis went and kicked his leg, hard.

Alex finally woke up, throwing Alexis some colourful words. "It's still not morning you bitch!" he complained, trying to kick her back but he missed.

I checked my watch and told him, smiling, "Two hours 'till school starts." As soon as those words left my mouth, I widened my eyes and yelled, " TWO HOURS 'TILL SCHOOL STARTS, I AM NOWHERE NEAR HOME AND I LOOK LIKE A MESS!!!"

"Yo. Chill. You almost burst my eardrums," Cornor stated.

"Chill? Chill? I'll show you-" I started but Alexis interrupted by saying, "Let' s go get you better clothes then we can all go to school together. Boys, you know where your clothes usually are."

Alexis grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door with her. "Where are you taking me? Aren't your clothes supposed to be in your room?"

"I have different closets where I keep other clothes, both girls' and boys', just in case my gang needs to crash here," she explained then pulled me into a walk-in closet.

There were so many fabulous clothes that I wouldn't even dream of owning.

"Wow," I breathed out, taking it all in. I was brought out of my trance when Alexis handed me a red cropped top, a black leather jacket, black ripped jeans and red boots and pushed me into a changing stall, shutting the curtains.

"So..." I started, pulling my white t-shirt over my head, "what's up with Cornor?"

A small chuckle could be heard, followed by the words, "You mean his multiple personalities? I think inside, he is a good person who usually shows it at his happiest moments, which is only around us. But he also likes respect, so to others, he keeps up an intimidating aura. Actually, I don't even know why he accepted you as part of us but consider yourself lucky to get to see the best side of him. Not even Bianca gets to see it. By the way, I'm sorry on behalf of her for the trash she wrote about you on the news feed. It's just plain dumb."

By then I had finished dressing up and I got out, turning around for Alexis to tell me if I looked good.

"You look amazing. If those clothes had fit me the way they fit you I would've worn them everyday."

"Thanks. For everything," I said, giving her a bear hug. She hugged me back and said, "My pleasure. Now, let's go wow them."

We quickly made our way up the stairs to her room, super excited to show the boys my outfit.

But when we got there, we found Bianca crying her eyes out on the floor and Cornor and Alex looked like they had just seen a ghost.

What in tarnations was going on?


Heeeeey my amazing readers. Sorry for the late update but I hope the chapter was worth it.

Here's another fact about me. I am kinda addicted to nightcore. Scratch that. I'm totally addicted to nightcore. A day can't pass without me listening to nightcore music.

Don't forget to vote and comment. Lav y'all...

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