First kiss.

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Everything around me was peaceful... A tad bit too peaceful. Whatever had happened was already fading as if it were just a dream. I pushed my glasses further up my nose and tilted my head backwards to look up at the sky. A shade of purple was already invading the dark pink, indicating that it was way too late for me to be outside alone.

A deep sigh escaped my throat as I fixed the straps of the bag on my shoulder and continued with the trudge home. At that precise moment I remembered the bucket load of homework my teachers had given me and laughed. It pretty much looked like I was a maniac; laughing all alone. But I couldn't help it. Sure, I loved homework. It tested my memory levels and sharpened my wit. But planning on when to do it all tended to become challenging once in a while. Not like I had anything else to do... Ever. I shook the thoughts away and focused on walking a little bit faster.

I was surprised to find a note on the door when I got home. It said that my parents had gone for a neighborhood meeting and were coming back very late at night. I laughed in relief as I rested my forehead on the door for a while. If they were home I'm sure as hell they'd be worried sick about me. I didn't want to become a nuisance to them. Not after they were kind enough to take me in.

I felt my muscles getting a bit too relaxed and almost toppled to the side. A sigh escaped my throat as I regained balance, pushed the door open and dragged my feet into the house. Walking to my room seemed impossible to me at that moment. Since my lazy feet couldn't be helped in any way, I forced myself to walk all the way up to my room in the dark. I didn't really see it necessary to put the living room lights on; thinking green and all that trash.

My hand searched around blindly for the light switch in my room. The bright light almost blinded me when they finally went on. I walked over to my bed and collapsed on it, burying my face on the pillows. If only I could sleep like they till morning...

I forced myself to wake up and start on my homework. Getting more and more invested in the math problems made me forget all about my fatigue for a while. Soon enough, I was done with Math. Then Geography and Physics. I was going by well.

Just as I was about to do Chemistry, my phone buzzed. I was planning to ignore it but it buzzed again and again, irritating me. That was weird, though. No one, even Alice, ever texted me like that. I checked it warily and found this:

Why weren't you in the bus?

Are you OK?

Have you seen the news feed on the school internet board?

What is taking you so long to answer?

Is this even Alexa?

Check the board NOW!


A twinge of guilt struck at my heart as I stared at the 'ok' I had just sent. I felt like I needed to say more but I didn't know what, exactly, I had to say. I sighed as I turned my phone off and turned to my laptop.

It felt weird as I clicked on the newsfeed. I've never really bothered to see what goes on in students' lives. I figured that it would onlh depress me since I didn't live quite as happy and luxuriously as they did.

I checked the news feed and gasped at what I saw. There was a picture of me and Cornor when we bumped into each other in the hallway. Under it was written, "Cool boy is attacked by unknown girl. He is known to rarely tolerate nonsense and we wonder what this girl has that is so special. It is rumored that she wants him for a boyfriend. Will she even attain a kiss from him at the end of the week. I bet she won't!"

I checked at the bottom of the page and saw, "Written by Bianca Waters." Wasn't she one of Alice's friends? She had ever seen me with Alice. Then why did she call me unknown? She even knew my name!

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