A break

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Kyle's POV

We hop over the fence that Nøkk was waiting for me by

"So, why are you dragging me out here again? Also are we allowed to leave base without notifying higher ups like six?"

Nøkk: "Come on it's just a walk, besides we get to spend some time with each other" she said adjusting her veil.

We head down further away from base and into a forest, I made a bit of small talk with her while while moving down the woods

"So, Nøkk what do you normally like doing? You know on your own time"

Nøkk: "Well, I don't really have much to do. Like I said when we first met I was a ghost so My main thought I my mind to to complete the missions I was assigned"

"So when was the last time you ever relaxed? Or taken a break?"

Nøkk: "Relax? Well..now that you mention it I haven't heard that word in a long time..closest thing to relaxing is would be waiting on my next mission?"

"Wow, you really need to take a break. Know what, why don't I bring you out to dinner This friday?"

She looked up at me then back down. I could tell she was thinking about it by her body language, soon after she agreed to dinner with me. I smiled at these and I could somewhat see a smile from under her veil.

"Are you smiling?"

Nøkk: "N..no"

"Mhm, sure you're not"

She lightly punched me in the shoulder making me laugh a bit of course.

"Alright, how long till we get to this spot of yours?"

Nøkk: "Not much further, come on keep up" she starts jogging and I jog behind her.

A minute or two has passed by and we reach a river, I looked around and saw Nøkk sit by the river bay and motions me to come over. I sat by Nøkk and watched to river go by

"So, is this all it?"

Nøkk: "No, not really" she got up and went over to a nearby Bush, she digged around in it for a moment and pulled out a sniper rifle with a suppressor attached. My eyes light up as she brought it over to me.

"Wow..an L115a3?"

Nøkk: "You sure know you guns huh?" she said sitting back down next to me

"Well I've used one before but that was years ago, I haven't seen one since"

Nøkk: "Well, would you like to shoot it?"


She handed me the rifle and I started inspecting it. I pulled the bolt back slightly revealing it was chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum rounds. I smirked and pushed the bolt back and looked throw the scope, the sight picture was clear and simple. The gun even had a bipod on it.

"So, what am I shooting exactly?"

Nøkk: "Look across the river there should be some glass bottle I have set up"

I look down the scope and sure enough I spot a bottle perched up in a tree, I take a shot but the bullet misses it landing a few meter below the bottle. I could hear Nøkk giggling behind me as I turn to look.

"What's so funny?"

Nøkk: "Oh nothing, I just found it a bit funny that you missed" she said then started laughing

"Oh ha ha very funny Nøkk" I say clambering in the next round.

Nøkk: "Okay tell you what, bring the rifle and come follow me" she said. I grabbed her rifle and followed her to a nearby tree. "I sometimes like sitting up her and let my thoughts wounder, but today I'm letting you shoot at some bottles so" she gestered over at the tree for me to climb up. I climbed up the tree and set myself up on a branch, I looked down to see Nøkk climbing the tree and sets down on a branch below me on my right.

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