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Friday, April 18th

Time: 0800

Kyle's POV

I wake up to to sound of my phone alarm going off, I groan at this and quickly shut it off. I looked at the time and saw it was 8am, sighing I roll over and sit in bed. I looked over at Nøkk who was still sound asleep not wanting to wake her up I silently grab my towel, some clothes and head to the bathroom. After my shower I come back out wearing a pair of cargo pants and a red tshirt. I noticed that Nøkk what gone but didn't give it much thought, breakfast didn't start until 9pm so I decided to sit on the couch and wait it out. After an hour I go up and make my way to the canteen bumping into Ela on the way.

Ela: "Ranek Kyle" she said with a smile

"Uuuh wha?"

Ela: "Its polish for morning" she said with a giggle

"Ah well Morning to you too Ela, Wanna get some breakfast with me?"

Ela: "Sure thing" she said and we both headed out making small talk on the way of course. We arrived at th canteen and were shocked to see we were one of the people to make it near the line.

"Well this is nice"

Ela: "No kidding, though I would have to sit in a long line again" it was serving time and we went up to grab our breakfast, we both grabbed some toast, eggs and sat at the first table we saw.

"So, feeling better?"

Ela: "What do you mean?"

"From the whole situation with the recruits"

Ela: "Oh..that" she said with a upset tone "Yea I'm doing better thanks for asking, hows the shoulder?"

"Stings a bit but I'll manage" she laughed a bit and took a bite out of her toast.

Ela: "Hey Kyle? You have anything planned this week?"

"Actually yes I do, I planned on taking Nøkk out to dinner" hearing this she fround a bit

Ela: "Nøkk huh?"

"Yea, found out she doesn't really take much time to relax so I thought I'd take her out of here for a day"

Ela: "Well she sure is lucky now huh"

"I guess so yea"

We sat in silence for a few minutes eatting our breakfast till my attention was brought to a man with orange hair walking in

"Who's that?" I pointed

Ela: "Oh, that's Olivier known as lion in the feild. Word of advice just dont piss him off or get in this way, the guy already has some bad relationships here between a couple of operatives"


I looked around and found Zofia making her way over to us.

Zofia: "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead" I scoot over giving her  spot next to me.

Zofia: "You guys here the news? Apparently we're getting new recruits"

"That so?"

Zofia: "Yea, some space engineer and some other guy from what I heard"

"Looking forward to meeting them"

Ela: "Space engineer? Why would Six wanna hire a space engineer?"

Zofia: "No idea"

"Maybe for technical reasons, a space engineer doesn't sound like a bad idea especially with some of the tech we use here"

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