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April 17th

Ela's POV

I couldn't believe it, Thought I wouldn't ever know his name but here we are. Kyle. I laid back in my bed and stared up at the ceiling smiling to myself at this thought.

"Maybe I should get to know him better before I try anything" I said to myself. I looked outside my dorm window to see Kyle and Nøkk jumping over the fence outback in the training area. I didn't think much of it though so I shrugged it off.

It was dinner time and I was sitting with My sister Zofia along side Monika and Tina doing girl talk and all that. I noticed Kyle walking around the cafe looking for a place to sit, I was about to call him over but Blackbread beat me to it I sigh and continued on with my food glancing back at him every now and then.

Zofia: "Hey you okay?"

"Yes Zo I'm fine"

Zofia: "You seem bothered by something"

"I'm not"

Zofia: "Alright"

After a while I look back at Kyle's table to see him walking away with Nøkk

"Excuse me for a moment" I say and follow the two out. I follow them up to the roof, I peek through the crack in the door to see them sitting at the ledge hearing their little chat about how Nøkk likes it up here. She put her head on his shoulder, I felt slightly bothered by this but didn't think much of it and headed back down to the cafe.

Monika: "Look who's back"

Tina: "Feeling alright?"

"Yea I just had to use the bathroom that's all"

Zofia: "You sure that's all?"

"Yes Zofia"

Zofia: "Okay, I'm just woundering"

"Whatever" I said and continued with my food.

I was walking back from my dorm after we finished with our dinner, I was about to head back inside my dorm till Zofia stopped me

Zofia: "I noticed what you were doing"

"What do you mean?"

Zofia: "The was you were looking at the new guy"

"I don't know what your talking about"

Zofia: "Is my little sister interested in someone?"

"No Zo I'm not interested in someone please I'm not in the mood right now"

Zofia: "Okay, but if you need any advice I'm here okay?"

"Whatever Zo" I say before closing the door in her and laying in bed.

Friday, April 18th

I was in shooting range with my sister to get warmed up incase six called us for a mission. Is was about 4:00 when I heard the news that Nøkk was injured on her mission, I put my gun down and go what's going on and find Kyle sitting outside the infirmary.

"Kyle?" He looked up at me with a worried look

"Hey, what happened" I say taking a seat next to him

Kyle: "Nøkk"

"What about her?"

Kyle: "Dox says she's in critical condition and could take some time sorry her vitals to be stable.."

I put my arm around him in an attempt to comfort him, he leans into me resting his head on chest

"Hey, I'm sure she'll be okay"

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