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Tuesday, June 6th

Location: Base, Hereford

Time: 1500

Ollie's POV

I bursted through the door carrying Iq over my shoulder who was badly injured.

"Oi! We got wounded over here!" Doc runs over with a stretcher and I lay Caveria down on it before Doc rushes her to the Medical center.

Hibana: "Hey, Monika's a tuff girl she'll pull though"

I stay silent and head off to the dorm I was staying in to pack my things. Today was the last day of me working alongside rainbow and having to return to London once more.

Twitch: "Hey, was that you shouting out there?"

I stayed silent and continued packing my things

Twitch: "Hey you alright?"


Twitch: "Ollie come on talk to me, what happened?"

I sat on the couch and motioned her to sit next to me and she did

"Our mission was to secure the rest of that gas you guys were looking for, we wen't by helicopter and repelled on down to the target building. Bastards knew we were coming"

Monday, June 5th

Location: Moscow, Russia

Time: 12:00pm

We rappelled down to the roof and readied our weapons, Smoke took point with is shotgun while lion followed behind. Me Hibana head down a fire escape while Monika followed behind

Hibana and I snuck our way through a window, there weren't any gaurds in sight. The place seemed to be completely empty

"Something doesn't feel right, Lion think we can get a scan"

Lion: "Drone going up"

The ground vibrates as lion's drone scans the building but nothing showed up. But I still kept my guard up just in case.

We came across and office and started searching the place, we didn't find anything useful but I did take a few hard drives just incase

Smoke: "Lads? I'm getting some high chemical activity on my scanner, coming from the backstage"

"On the way"

We link up with smoke and loin and put on our gas masks for safe keeping. We search the backstage for any traces of Chemical compounds when Qi finds something interesting

Iq: "Right here" she finds a create filled with Chemical gas and runs a feild test confirming it. It's a match

"Something doesn't seem right about this. One there aren't any barrels like it was mentioned before meaning they've started producing these in canister's. And two there's only one create of these"

Hibana: "Maybe this could explain it" she plays an audio recording found on a table. The recording was detailing the location of the rest of the chemical compound being moved but the location wasn't told for safe keeping.

Smoke: "So now what?"

Iq: "We radio command and wait for our next move"

Lion: "Ay"

We sat around and waited for our next move until a sudden noise broke the silence

Smoke: "You hear that?"

Fallen Fate (A Rainbow6 Siege Story)Where stories live. Discover now