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Wednsday, May 9th

Location: Afghanistan, Iraq

Time: 4:00pm

Ela's POV

We were in a humvee lend over to us by u.s marines stationed here. Thanks to the hvt we helped escape We have a location on a weapons trade being made at a camp which is how White mask are getting their weapons

"I haven't been here in a while"

Zofia: "You came to Afghanistan?"

"Back when I first inlisted yes, I sorta lied about my age to be able to join but non the less I did"

Zofia: "What did Papa think if this?"

I stayed silent

Zofia: "Very well"

Bandit: "Hey we're coming up on the rally point, The Intel says there's  a camp around here where most of the weapons get traded"

Blitz: "So if we hit this?"

Fuze: "it'll be a massive blow to their weapons trade while also leaving them short handed"

Zofia: "Smart"

"What happens next?"

Zofia: "Six is still looking through te intel Ollie provided him with so we'll have to see"

"Got it"

The humvee comes to a stop just about half a mile away from the camp

Bandit: "We're moving on foot from here"


Bandit: "So that we don't announce our presence Ela, now quit your whining and let's go"

I was over looking the camp from a hill side gathering whatever information I can before we move in

Zofia: "Anything?"

"It just looks like a refugee camp"

Zofia: "Smart place to trade weapons probably"

Bandit: "Anything that can help us find our target"

"Unless you wanna ask from of the Iraqian kids in there, place is a mess it'll take all day to find them even if we infiltrate"

Zofia: "Should've brought Glaz with us"

"Wait I'm seeing two men moving into a building with a wooden box"

Zofia: "Say again"

"You guys moving with a wooden box into a building south west side of the camp"

Zofia: "Anything else?"

"Other than armed Opfor no"

Bandit: "Screw it I'm calling it in, HQ be advised we have Opfor members around the camp we are moving in over"

Blitz: "What's the word?"

Bandit: "Marines have a man on the inside who can help us sneak on into the camp, he should be pulling up in a truck within a few minutes so sit tight till then"

Few minutes pass till a transport truck pulled up down hill, some of the guards from the camp came to investigate the truck which we quickly took out and made our way to the truck

Driver: "I'm risking my life here you know that?"

"I'm sure the marines will pay you greatly for doing this"

Driver: "Just get in I'll get you guys as close as I can"

We hop in the back of the truck closing the back curtains in the back

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