Reuion and second chances

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As I came too I felt my head rested on a pillow, or what I thought to be a pillow. Then noticed it was a pair of legs. To be specific Haruka's legs. My head was rested on her knees and her hands were on either side of my face. I felt the iron cuff in my hand still. Then noticed that Iris was looking at me with worried eyes. The blue-gold I remember fondly. I noticed her worried eyes were not only for me but for her siblings.

"Sister. You traitor! You stick with the girl who abandoned us!" Revan had yelled at Iris. Then, Revan pulled her sword, which was enchanted, and pointed it at Iris. A streak of light headed straight for her. Iris dodged it easily.

"Leave Sister! Before you suffer the consequences! You know the truth." Iris said. This angered her sister more.

"Fine. We will be going. But know this Sister, Iris Guinevere Ash Darks, you are betraying you own flesh and blood and next you run into us you won't come out alive." Brandon and Dalian Dakrs both said. Brandon had ashy blue hair with those brown eyes. He once had brown-blue-gold eyes. He was Sunlights reminder that life gets better. Dalian had ashy white color hair with the blue-gold eyes. He always gave Sunlight a smile from the jokes he once told. Even on the darkest of days he could make her smile just about as much as Haruka could. Then the three siblings left. Leaving Iris with the scouts, Tuxedo Mask, Michiru, Haruka, and Eliza.

By this time, Eliza had gotten up. Iris looked up at her and smiled. "Sunlight... I thought I wouldn't see you again.." Iris said as Eliza moved to hug the girl causing her to yelp as she hadn't gotten a hug in a while. "I missed you Iris.." Eliza said as Iris, who was probably just a few inches shorter then Haruka, hugged Eliza back.

"Your still my Midget Best friend," Iris said, with a chuckle.

"Didn't you say at one point that you wouldn't say a word about the fact that I'm short." Eliza stated.

She chuckled which made me give her a look. A look of pure forced anger But Iris new it wasn't real.

"Will you give me a second chance?" Iris asked

"Yes I will" Eliza answered

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