The Sun Kingdom

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[Fathers POV]
I watched as Dillan as he brought in my daughter, Sunlight. I still hold her to her words that she will end me if I ever show again, but I've got the entire kingdom that is left under my control. "Ha, Ha." I laughed. "I see you got a better grip then your family." I said "Put her in her room. Till she wakes." I instructed. Dillan nodded and walked towards the tower that I designated as Sunlights room. Then I just started to laugh maniacally. "I finally have her in my grasp!" I said laughing still. "I can end the puny brat here and now.... but I've got something else in mind." I said as Dillan walked back into the throne room. "Sir, what are you going to do to her?" Dillan asked. "None of your concern, Dillan. Just know she will be working with us by then end." I said as a lady came in. She wore a black crown with jewels dark as a starless night decorating the tiny spikes that stuck up towards the ceiling. "Come in." I said as I walked to the drawing room. "We have much to discuss on the subject of Sunlight." I said as we entered the room and shut the door.

[Sunlight's POV]
All I could see was darkness. I could feel I was being carried but by whom and to where I had now clue. I was totally in the dark. Kinda Ironic since I'm basically the princess of light. Ha.. Ha.. Ha. Yeah, Not Funny. I felt the person, or whatever I was on, start to go up. Maybe, up stairs? It was a bit rocky. I heard a door open. Maybe it was stairs. Was it up or spiral? I soon felt my back hit a rather comfy mattress. Then I heard the door close and this time I heard a lock.

I finally opened my eyes to find a circular room. Kinda like how you would describe rapunzels room. It had cinderblock maybe cobblestone walls, one door, one window, a basic vanity, a basic wardrobe, and a not basic canopy bed in the middle of the room. The canopy bed had some form of ribbon tying the curtains to the bed posts. There were vines coming from the top of the bed posts, wrapping around them and tearing the curtains. The bed I was laying on was comfortable, more comfortable then my bed at home, it had a white comforter with a huge sun on it, two sets of huge pillows stack in front of each other, and collecting dust. Now that I looked, everything had at least fourteen years of dust and dust bunnies the size of one of those big erasers.

"Does no one come up here and dust?" I said as I slid off the bed and stood up. At the top of the room, right above the canopy bed, was a huge chandelier with candles lit and melting. I went to the widow cause maybe if I looked at where I was maybe I could figure out how long of a track it was to home or the city. I opened the window and was met with a beautiful view of a kingdom that was not anywhere on earth. Their was dirt and sand everywhere and most terrifyingly the big yellow star. Right there. The sun is right there. Well, I'm not sunburnt yet, so there's a plus to this sticky situation considering I'm at least five stories off the ground. Well, leave it too me to get into a situation like this. "Good job, lucky, me."

I walked back over to the bed, leaving the window opened, grabbed the blankets and pillows, and started beating them till all the dust or at least most of the dust was gone. My vision was blurred and I had sneezed a couple hundred time at least. [Big exaggeration] Once done, put the pillows on the bed put the blanket on the bed and laid down. Just to break down in tears. I didn't know where I was. I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know what was going to happen. I wanted to go home and have a good meal with mom, she must be so worried. Most of all, I wanted to just be home with mom and be able to go see Haruka.

At some point in my tears I guess I fell asleep. Cause I was woken up by the door opening and my blanket being torn off me.

"Get Up"

I opened my eyes to see Dillans scruffy hair. "I said get up." He repeated. I sat up and yawned.

"Why am I here?"
"Father wanted to speak to you."
"Why can he come and talk to me then?"
"Because, he is the king. You go to him not the other way around. Now put this on."

He held up a silver dress. It was cinched at the waist, had beautiful variations of grey and Silver colored flowers decorating the bodice and creating a transition to the skirt of the dress. Under the dress was maybe three layers of petticoats maybe to make it pouffier. It looked like it would probably only come down to my knees. "I'm supposed to wear this?" I asked, taking the dress.

"Father requested you wear it. In the past it was your favorite dress." Dillan said.

"Can you step out of the room?" I asked and he nodded, doing just that. I sighed as I slipped out of my clothes and slipped into the dress. I found a pair of leggings hidden in the dress that I slipped into as well. I slipped on a pair of boots I found and Walked over to the door. "I'm done." I said. Dillan stepped into the room and looked at me.

"Come on." He said and grabbed my wrist roughly. We basically flew down the stairs and I almost came face to face with the door at the bottom of the stairs. "Now, remember, he is the king and you need to respect him and the noble chancellor." He said. I steadied myself as I walked to the door behind him. He opens the door and we both walked into a huge room. Lining the walls were pillars, Portraits, and other special things. I was in awe till I saw the man I dreaded.


I muttered under my breath trying to be inconspicuous with the word. It tasted horrible in my mouth and the entire sense of the word was just off in his sense. Then he spoke, he words had a distasteful twang to them. I couldn't hear what he said over my distaste for him. After I hadn't moved to bow or curtsy or anything, Dillan pushed my forwards. I reluctantly walked two steps ahead of my previous spot and curtsied.

"Sunlight, my darling like Angel, you seem to be just as beautiful as I remember you." He said with an awful smile on his face. "I'll just cut to the chase then." He said after I hadn't said anything. "I come to you with a question, a job of sorts-" I cut him off.

"I will never take a job from you." I said with scorn and contempt sliding off my words.

"Oh. Well, I was going to ask but forcing you is just as fun, Serena, do the honors would you." He said. A woman stepped out, she had a crown on her head. The jewels were dark and black, Pitch black almost. "Transform if you want. You won't be able to resist us when she's done." Father said.

"We'll just see about that." I said and transformed. A bright flash of light and I was in my scout outfit.

"Oh how pretty." He said as she started to move towards me. I dodged the first thing she threw at me, which seemed to be a black ball of something slimy. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist, Dillan, and she started on her main objective. I saw the gem pulsing white and black and I couldn't hold out for very long before giving in.

"You will work with your father"
"I will works with father" I muttered.
"You will do as he commands."
"I will do as he commands" I repeated.

I was now standing in front of father. He was giving his command.

Command- Attack and defeat the Sailor Guardians.

My Sunlight (Haruka Tenoh x OC)Where stories live. Discover now