5: White Mouse VS Golden Lion

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"You don't seem rather interested in my questions"

"I apologize, if it weren't for the delicacies right before me, my attention might only be focused on your Majesty's questions"

"Should I punish the chefs for making the desserts-?"

"Does your Majesty often enjoy tea outside?"

"I'll let that one go, but don't think that you'll always get away with it"

"Oh-ho, so there would be other times, then?"

"I took rather quite an interest towards the famous Alpheus' treasure"

"That is rather upsetting, your Majesty"

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Why not just say it as 'I'll be watching over you, to put your father in his rightful place' or just bluntly put it as that you're using me to take advantage of my father?"

"That is your own understanding"

"I believe I'm quite right, though?

"Believe what you want"

"Then shall I believe that his Majesty is interested in me due to my beauty?"

A daring statement, one might say.

Claude blankly eyed the beautiful young Alpheus; who was sporting a rather cheeky look that is sent towards him; with a gaze that is mixed with a hopeful glint.

It was so obvious that the young lady has a crush on him, yet he didn't voiced his thoughts about it.

He didn't mind the albino child being attracted towards him, honestly he found it amusing; amusing due to the fact even though she has a crush on him, she tries to act as if she doesn't, and even plays the card I don't hold an interest towards you one bit, but I'll act sassy for you to take notice of me.

She was playing her cards right.

Claude smirked, rested his cheek on his knuckles as he adjusted on his chair, he answered the question Bella took the liberty of questioning.

"Believe what you want."

She blushed.

Her flushed cheeks emitting a gorgeous pink hue, her eyes meekly stared down on the ground, as her lips purses with embarrassment.

She looks like a mouse.

Scanning the young maiden with his intense stare, it felt like a lion watching his prey before it pounced on it to feed its hunger.

"His Majesty is more of a twisted character than I thought."


"I cannot believe the pride and glory of the Obelian Empire takes pleasure on alluring young maiden such as myself."

"I wouldn't take pleasure alluring a child resembling her father's fraudulent nature."

"Well I apologize for inheriting my father's nature, but I'm quite proud of this characteristic of mine for it enables me to get into someone's head who is unable to care for its own-"

A glare.

Claude's cerulean orbs gunned the young maiden unto her spot, yet it didn't seem to threaten the young child, it merely seemed to be amused.

"Your Majesty, are you perhaps threatening me?"

"Are you threatened?"

The rosy lips tugged upwards, eyes of gold locked with the color of the vast ocean blue.

Not a Knight in Shining Armor, Just a Marquess' Daughter [CURRENTLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now