Tough It Out, Goku!

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Goku and Piccolo decided to take it to one another almost at the same time. The pair lunged and collided in the middle with Goku's knee meeting Piccolo's elbow and the two lingered at their struggle for what seemed to their perception as the entire eternity. Power surged throughout their entire bodies, resonating in their point of contact before the resolving shockwave sent both of them apart, only to kick back at the enemy and send a flurry of fists and feet their way.

The combatants shifted in and out the ranges of visible perception, colliding to exchange hundreds of blows only to disengage and then go right back at it again. In the beginning, neither of the pair gave way but in what King Piccolo thought as his breakthrough moment he had extended his arm to grab Goku by his childish leg and pull him in for a crushing blow. Goku instead used the opportunity to pull out the red staff he held on his back and point it at Piccolo's face.

"Power Pole, extend!" Goku yelled out as the staff's other end dug into Piccolo's jaw, exceeding the length even of his own extended limb and stumbling him momentarily. The young Saiyan was too fierce and bloodthirsty to let this opportunity slip, he was close enough for a combination of strikes so he let King Piccolo have it, concluding it with a devastating kick straight to the front of Piccolo's face.

"Ka...! Me...!" Goku cupped his hands by his side while floating above airborne King Piccolo, planning to crush the Demon King into the ground with a Kamehameha before Piccolo landed on his butt himself.

King Piccolo shot his eyes wide open, canceling his temporary daze to extend his hand forward and send Goku flying with a blast of Ki energy. Goku wrapped his arms around his knees and cannonballed himself back and onto his feet. The Saiyan dragged his wristbands across his face to check for blood but found nothing, after the momentary check-up on the damage suffered, the boy once again prepared for another round of his settlement of matters with the Demon King.

"Damn Saiyans..." King Piccolo manipulated himself via levitation to end up back on his feet as well, having used his flight to halt his fall in order to blast back at Goku earlier. "One moment I've no idea who the hell you are, the other you're all over my plans!"

"Why did you have your goons kill Krillin!?" Goku roared out from his position, his demand for answers made him recall every ounce of the rage he felt at that moment, it bolstered his toughness and made red pulses of blood close in on his vision. If this continued, all he'd see would be red but, somehow, Goku had never felt more powerful than right now.

"Krillin? You mean that baldy? He was in the World Martial Arts Tournament, I reckon. All of the martial artists must be exterminated in order for my world domination to be successful. That was the plan, anyway..." King Piccolo replied with a callous smirk.

"So he didn't do anything to you?" Goku clenched his fists together and closed his eyes to compose himself, he liked the surge of power and the feeling of invincibility that he had when mad but the fury was beginning to seem like too much at one point. "You had him killed just because he's strong, is that it!?"

"Hmph... He's not just strong, he's a martial artist. I've underestimated your kind before and paid the price. A martial artist scumbag sealed me into a rice-cooker, just like I've done to that Great Ape. It must be hurting, not being able to enter your true form, knowing that I'll seal you up right away?" Piccolo tilted his head to the side as if mocking Goku and calling him out.

"What are you talking about?" Goku shook his head. "Don't try to steer me away from the fact you ordered Krillin's death!"

Piccolo raised a curious eyebrow, wondering if this boy was some kind of a dumbass or if he simply misread the exact power of a Saiyan. He had thought that Saiyans were all Great Apes naturally that had taken the appearance that most resembled the locals of the place they've inhabited, which was why both that girl earlier and Son Goku looked so much like humans if it wasn't for their tails. Now he was beginning to wonder about that, though this boy was far too focused on one thing to be of any indication about the Saiyan abilities.

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