The Awful Start To An Awful Good Time

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Arriving at Papaya Island the day that the World Martial Arts Tournament began was the first time that the Saiyan saw this many Earthlings in one place. During the time-off she had to travel the world and learn a bit about this planet she's stuck on Chayote had seen cities before. She had also seen large temples that, from the first sight, looked like perfect fighting arenas but they seemed to attract the Earthlings for religious reasons and because of how excited the locals were about fighting.

Over her time away Chayote figured that Earthlings did not care too much about fighting. Nothing in this strange culture was solved through fighting, judging from what little she's seen of the King, he was not even that much of a fighter. While the Saiyan was not entirely sure about that conclusion but it seemed like power was not acquired through being the most powerful on this planet. The jury was still out on just how one became the King of this planet. Perhaps while she's waiting about for the Frieza Army to find her Chayote could try being a King for a little while, just for fun.

"Are you a contestant?" a chubby man with a traditional outfit not too much different from the outfits that the monks in the temples Chayote's seen wore asked. The man with the rich mustache line sat by a shoddy table with a massive pile of papers stacked in front of him.

"I suppose so. I'm here to fight." Chayote raised her fist. She spared the man of any excitement in her expression, saving it for someone who was the more correct witness to it.

"In that case, what's your name, I'll sign you up." The man revealed his purpose to Chayote.

"I'm Chayote. Say, did a kid, similar to me in a way, sign up? A guy with spiky black hair and a tail?" the Saiyan asked the monk in charge of registrations.

"A kid... Yeah, two kids signed up. Weird, huh? Some old guy signed them up, what kind of a grandpa would do this to their grandsons? You think it's some sort of a cruel prank? Must be some sick old geezer!" the monk rubbed his hair while struggling to keep his little hat from falling off of his head.

"Hey, hey! What's the hold-up!?" a boar-man hybrid walked out of the line and brandished a knife at the two conversing in front of the registration.

"Sir, sir, weapons are forbidden at the tournament!" the monk stood up and began frantically shaking his hands in front of himself in an attempt to calm the rogue down.

Even the gust of wind that picked up after Chayote's blitzing movement failed to keep up with the Saiyan as she approached the bandit and smacked him right in the face with a careless, backhanded slam. Even when she barely put any effort into it, choosing to preserve her stamina for the tournament, the Saiyan killed the rabble-rouser effortlessly.

"K-Killing is also forbidden at the tournament!" the monk pointed at the lifeless man with a snapped neck. "It's okay, that guy was coming at us with a knife, it was self-defense!" the monk explained to a pair of law enforcement officers approaching the scene.

Chayote had seen those men and women in blue doing their thing on her trips. While the sentiment of well-trained rule enforcement order was a novel idea that the Saiyans may have considered instead of leaving all that to fun albeit constant power struggling, the young Saiyan found those police officers to look awfully weak. How could they possibly uphold the law when they could not even kill those breaking the rules.

"It's okay, I'm a police too." Chayote raised her thumb pointing up.

"H-Huh?" the police officers leaned forward in confusion. "Aren't you a contestant at the tournament?"

"That too, yes." Chayote nodded.

"But then you can't be a police officer because you'd have to be patrolling instead of fighting." An officer with side-split, spiky, grey hair pointed out with a smug face made so due to what he deemed infallible logic. "Plus, you're not wearing a uniform, I'll let you know, young lady, that impersonating a police officer is a misdemeanor. You won't be able to fight from inside the slammer, huh?"

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