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Kenny's POV

I'm Kenny McCormick, I'm 14 years old and I'm a freshman at South Park High. Fresh meat, as the seniors refer to us. They really see me as that. I'm only 4'11 and weigh about 90 lbs. I'm an easy target for bullies, and I get bullied a lot. Actually the person I get bullied by the most is another freshman—Eric Cartman.

Cartman is about 5'10 and weighs damn near 300 lbs. It's funny that he's one of my bullies. There was a time when we use to be best friends. That was until he hooked up with Wendy Testaburger. Before him and Wendy got together, I made a comment that I would bang her if given the chance. Now he's convinced that I'm after his girlfriend.

I head to my locker when suddenly I feel someone grab my hair. Then I'm pulled away from my locker. I look up and there he is, Cartman, right on time for my morning beating.

"There you are you little shit! I've been looking all over for you!" I HATE when he calls me that or any other name that refers to my height. "Are you still stalking my woman?"

"NO!" I cry out as he yanks my hair even harder.

"Yeah right, Craig told me he saw you with binoculars staring through her window."

"That's not true!" Then he puts me in a headlock.

"Look dwarf, I'm going to say this one more time…" He punches me in the face. "Leave…" He punches me again. "…my girlfriend…" Another punch. "ALONE!" He punches me one more time in the face then again in the stomach. I can feel blood dripping down my face.

"Eric Cartman!" I hear being called out. That voice belongs to Cartman's girlfriend. She's now approaching us. Wendy is about 5'4, slender, and she still has that long black hair that she did in elementary school. She's an attractive girl, she's just not my type. I'm still trying to figure out what she sees in Cartman. "What are you doing Cartman?"

"Hey babe, I'm just having a friendly chat with my good friend Kenny here." Wendy raises her eyebrow. "Okay fine, I was kicking the crap out of this poor piece of shit!"

"What did I tell you about that Cartman? I told you to stop bullying him around!" She leans over and whispers in his ear. "If you don't stop this, there will be no sex for a long time." She starts to walk away. "Decide what's more important to you." She walks off.

Cartman shoves me to the ground. "You're so fucking lucky you little douche bag." He kicks me in the stomach. He turns to walk away. I try to get up, but he quickly turns back around and kicks me back down. I try to get up again, but he pushes me back down with his foot.

"L-let me go…" I say barely above a whisper as tears begin to form in my eyes.

"I will when I'm good and ready. Wendy isn't around so I think I'll torture you a little more first."

"Cartman please…" I'm trying really hard not to cry, but he's really hurting me. I mean, he's using all his weight...

"Shut up, you little punk ass bitch!" He kicks me in the stomach. He bends down next to me and raises his fist. I close my eyes and cover them waiting for the next hit. Suddenly, Cartman falls over beside me.

"Leave him alone fat ass!" That voice belongs to my friend Kyle Broflovski. I open my eyes and see Kyle looking down at Cartman. Cartman stands up and the two of them are now face to face. Kyle is about 5'10 and weighs about 180, it's all muscle. He's the captain of the JV basketball team.

"Fuck you, you stupid Jew!" Cartman gets up and shoves Kyle. The two of them begin fighting.

"Kenny, are you okay?" I look over and see Stan Marsh standing above me. I turn away from him and begin to blush.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tell him as I chuckle nervously. "It's just a scratch..." Gosh, I must sound like an idiot to him.

"You don't look fine, you're bleeding pretty badly. I think we better get you to the nurse's office." He extends his hand to help me up as I accept it. I look up at him. He's so incredibly handsome. He's about 5'7 and about 140. He wears glasses and braces complete with headgear like his sister Shelly use to have. He's kind of well…a nerd. Who would've guessed? I think it's cute though.

In case you haven't figured it out, I like Stan Marsh. He's everything I want and more. I want to tell him how I feel, but I'm scared. Stan is gay, but he doesn't know I am. I don't think he would like me. He seems like he likes the jocks.

"Is there a problem Kenny?" Oops, I guess he notices me staring at him.

I snap out of my thoughts. "Not at all, I was just thinking."

"About whether you should tell on Cartman or not?"

"Uh…yeah that's it."

"I think you should tell a teacher or something. Cartman's a big bully, he shouldn't get away with this crap. Wendy told me he thinks you're after her." Stan and Wendy are best friends, for your information. They confide in each about everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING!

"Yeah he does. It's cool though, I really don't want to make things worse by snitching."

"I understand, but it's really for your own safety." We arrive at the nurse's office.

"What can I do for you boys?" The nurse asks sweetly.

"My friend here needs to be cleaned up." Stan tells her.

The nurse looks at me in shock. "Oh my goodness! What happened to you?"

"Long story…" I tell her.

"Well have a seat, I'll take care of you."

I sit down. I notice Stan looks as if he's going to leave. "I'm going to head back to class, you have my number if you need me."

I smile at him. "You just hate anything that reminds you of a hospital, don't you?"

He laughs and snorts. "I guess you know me well." He laughs again and snorts three times. He's just too adorable. "I'll see you later dude, be careful."

"I will, and thanks for everything."

"You're welcome." I watch him walk away. He has the cutest walk. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to tell Stan how I feel about him. Hopefully one day…

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