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I awoke later that evening and noticed Stan sitting beside me smiling. "How are you feeling sweet pea?"

I sit up. "I feel like shit dude."

"Do you remember who did this to you?"

Of course I do. "No Stan. Please, can we just let it go?"

"But why? Don't you want to find out who did this?"

I shake my head. "It's not really important. I just want to forget about it." Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I grab my stomach.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Stan slightly panics.

"I just felt a pain in my side. I'm okay though. It will go away."

"Did you go to the hospital?"

"No way dude! I don't want this to go that far."

"I just don't understand why-" The door opens and my sister walks in.

"Hey guys, I hate to cut this short, but I need to speak to my brother."

"No problem." Stan smiles at her. "I'll call you later Ken." He kisses me on the cheek and leaves.

Karen laughs. "I honestly don't know how he kisses you with all that shit in his mouth." I shrug. "Well anyway, why did Kevin pick you up from school?"

"I wasn't feeling well. How did you know anyway?"

"The nurse from your school called."

I gasp. "Please tell me you answered the phone."

"I wish I could, but it was dad that answered."

"Oh no..." I already know what's coming next...

"You're safe…for now. He went to the bar. He said he'll take care of it when he gets home."

"Oh shit." I look down.

"Baby, is there something you're not telling me?"

I sigh. "I was beat up at school today…" I mumble.

"You what? Look at me."

I look up at her, tears are now streaming down my face. "I got beat up today. That's why I had Kevin pick me up."

She sits down beside me and pulls me into a hug. I bury my face into her shoulder and sob. She kisses me on the forehead. "Did Cartman beat you up?"

I guess I really should tell someone the truth, I mean they all assume it's him anyway. "No, I don't know who beat me up. It happened so fast."

"Are you telling me the truth?"

No. "Y-yes, I really don't remember. I just want to forget the whole thing ever happened." I continue sobbing. Suddenly, dad bursts through the door with a belt in his hand.

"GET OUT!" He barks at Karen.

"Dad please, it's not what you think. Kenny-" Karen tries to explain.

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