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Karen, Craig, and I are in the waiting area. Karen is holding Kirby who hasn't stopped crying since we left the house, Craig is glaring at me, and I'm looking at my blood stained hands. Oh man does this look bad. I look at Craig and he's shaking his head at me. "Damn, you killed him…" He whispers.

"Please Craig, not now…" I reply softly. I can't deal with the guilt right now. I notice Stan and Kyle approaching us. I run up to Stan and hug him. "Stan, it's awful! It's really awful!" I cry in his arms.

"Shh!" He strokes my hair. "Tell me what happened."

"He killed his dad that's what happened!" Craig steps in.

"Shut the hell up Craig!" Kyle barks at him. "This is a PRIVATE conversation."

"Well this is a PUBLIC hospital. I was just letting Stan know what happened."

"I'm sure there has to be another explanation. I mean, what's really going on?"

"I would like to know the same thing." We turn around and see mom and Kevin have finally showed up.


"Kenny, what happened while I was gone? Why are you covered in blood?"

"Isn't it obvious Mrs. McCormick?" Craig asks her. "He killed your husband."

"Shut up Craig! Let my brother tell the story!" Kevin barks at him.


Mom walks over to me and takes my hand. "Please tell me what happened."

I start crying. "I was watching Kirby like you asked and he started crying and I didn't know what to do to make him stop. After everything else I tried didn't work, I picked him up and he stopped crying instantly. Just my luck, dad came home. He snatched Kirby from me and he started crying again. He put Kirby down and said I shouldn't have picked him up because I could've hurt him and he slapped me a few times. Then he picked up Kirby and started shaking him and he was yelling at him. I tried to stop him because I knew he was hurting him. After that he threw poor Kirby down in the bassinet."

"Oh my God! My baby!" Mom grabs Kirby from Karen. She starts hugging and kissing him. "Did you get him examined?" She asks Karen as she rocks Kirby. He finally calms down.

Karen nods. "Yes, the doctor hasn't given us the results yet. He does have a few bumps and bruises on his head."

"Oh God! That man…" She hugs Kirby tightly. "What happened after that Kenny?"

"He took me to my room and unzipped my pants. I knew what was going to happen." I see mom's eyes tearing up. She hates hearing about this. "This time I tried to fight him off. So he pulled out a knife. He grabbed my neck with one hand and was holding the knife up to me with the other. I tried to take the knife from him then we began struggling over it. He was squeezing my neck tightly, then I blacked out. The next thing I know, I hear him screaming and I came to and the knife was in his chest." By this time mom is crying. "I'm sorry mom, I'm so sorry." I cry along with her.

"It sounds like it was an accident. You don't have to be sorry." The doctor comes into the waiting area. "How's my husband? Is he going to be okay?"

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