Stage 3: When the Clock Strikes

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Goodness, my godfather and his odd magic will be the death of me! I got off the weird horse and my godfather winked at me. He snapped his fingers and I felt a hard object placed at the half of my face. It seemed to be a mask since I could see that my eyes were looking through eye holes.

"Remember love, return before midnight," he reminded me and disappeared from the horse. I took a deep breath and took slow steps going up the entrance. I still had so many questions but he had the nerve to just leave me. What a supportive godfather. I passed the sleeping guards, I was amazed by their talent of sleeping while standing. They must have practiced that for quite some time.

I entered the dance floor and was awed by the beautiful clothes that everyone wore. I blushed as I gained all of their attention. Some were shocked, some were looking at me weirdly, some were whispering to each other while they looked at me. Goodness, I hope I made the right choice to trust Thomas. I passed the crowd to look for my sisters and almost jumped ten feet from the crowd when I felt a soft hand grasping my forearm. I looked behind me, my heart beating fast.

I almost fainted when I saw him, the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes upon. He was wearing a white suit with the designs sewn in a golden color. He had a slight stubble in that handsome face of his and his grey eyes could melt any metal in this world especially me since he was looking at me so intently.

"Excuse me," he said. My god, his voice was smooth and rich and husky. All in one.


"Would you care to dance?" He asked me. Oh my, was I dreaming? He gave me a genuine smile and I looked at his awaiting hand. I licked my lips and placed my hand on his. He grasped it gently and took me to the middle of the dance floor. He moved as fast as the wind because suddenly, my front body was already glued to his with his arm securing me close to him. My body felt so hot that I would like to just offer myself to him like a sacrifice.

"Your unique style of fashion caught my eye, that is quite brave of you and quite daring, did you know that you can get arrested for exposing so much skin?" He asked me. His voice was seductive, almost to the point of purring like a hungry cat.

"Is that so? I-I'm sorry...I did not-"

Prince Charles chuckled. "I was only kidding. But I might suggest that kind of law to my father to be passed and applied to you in order for me to personally arrest you..." He murmured in my ear. I shivered at that. It was true that Prince Charles was also known as Prince Charming since right now, I am "charmed" by his charm.

I did not know how to respond to that since his words literally took my breath away. We stared at each other as we danced around. Every sway and swirl of my body, he would immediately catch me and that made me trust him. He moved my body so gracefully with occasional touches on the lips and shoulders that sent shivers down my spine. I looked at his face and tried to memorize every corner of his face. His eyes did the same and I was flattered to see the warm emotions that were seen in his eyes as he seemed to carve my face into his memories.

The prince's hand moved to take the mask off my face but I immediately held his hand and smiled.

"Don't...please," I said to him.

"Why?" he asked me with such curious eyes.

"I-I can't..." I stuttered. I can't afford to get caught by my step family. "Um may I ask you something?" I changed the subject. I just remembered the purpose of my journey here. How can I forget? Goodness, the prince was really just charming that I can forget my father's only memory. How dare I?

"As long as I get something from answering it," he chuckled.

Oh my, what have I gotten myself into? "Al-alright then..."

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