Stage 18: The Struggles of Being a Godfather

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You know what?

I fucking hate this job...

I really really do...

Why did I even take a job as a godfather again? Oh yes, because office jobs are boring and I can't even jack-off since fairies were made to be asexual until they meet their own love.

A sad life...I know.

I bored my eyes at the paralyzed creatures before me and sighed. Why did God make humans so vulnerable? Even before the humans there were powerful beings that existed much like Dragons and a race that was unknown to everyone. Before the very well known great flood that purged the Earth of its inhabitants; there was something more spine chilling that occurred before Adam and Eve that sent the mythical word to collapse. The humans took over and over populated the Earth but the creation of weak creatures didn't really reduce wars. Things just got more difficult.

The Christian God was a very complicated being.

Oh well...

What do I care about wars? I was just a dildo-obsessed-fairy that will be out of job soon.

Yay for me.

I used my magic to poof the paralyzed beings behind the tree and sent a message to Samael to come back for them.

I don't really think he will come back though considering that Samael was also a cold-hearted bastard like his uncle, Lucifer. But contrary to everyone's belief, Lucifer wasn't that evil. He became a fallen angel because he had fought for a forbidden love. He was willing to go against a God who he had served for all his life for a boy who he had fallen in love with.

A very catastrophic love indeed. Romeo and Juliet do not even stand a chance. Even Titanic did not stand a chance.

Bohoo Shakespeare, bohoo.

I teleported myself by the window of the Prince's room and made myself invisible. I should really consider saving up the last remains of my magic but nah, I will do whatever I can to make Cinder receive his happily ever after. I owe him a debt of gratitude and I think it was unfair for a person who had a golden heart to live with nut-jobs.

I watched as the Prince and Cinder hugged each other. Cinder was apologizing to the Prince for leaving him in such a cruel way.


If only others would see the face of the Prince when he was abandoned, the youngsters of the modern generation would create a meme for it.

I'm sorry but the Prince's face was too funny.


Now back to the drama at hand...

"Cinder, I'm really sorry."

Cinder shook his head. "No, I should be the one apologizing. I'm sorry for leaving you there after your confession. That was just cruel."

The Prince sighed. "No, it is I who is at fault. I shouldn't have forced myself to you."

Cinder placed his index finger against the Prince's lips. "Shush, I'm the one at fault. I'm sorry."

The prince held Cinder's hands and kissed them. "No I-"

This was getting nowhere. Before they could forgive each other I would be out of job, I'll be banished to attain my sins, I would return after hundreds of years, get married, get laid, get a puppy named Dawg, and become an actor. I will be known as Chris Hemsworth. Yes, that was a very hot name.

I reappeared between them and they were both knocked down on their feet. "This is getting nowhere Cinder and Charles, you are making my leaf wither not because of love but because of stress. Now you are both at fault now make up before your dick-" I pointed at the Prince. "-gets in his hole-" I pointed at Cinder. "-and your hole-" I pointed back at the Prince. "-gets his dick in one poof of my magic."

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