Stage 5: I'll see you again

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Thinking was making my head hurt. Prince Charles cuffed my hands behind my back and took me to the castle with Nicholas. I was speechless and nervous to be with him again and in such an unfortunate moment. I don't know how I would defend myself in front of this gorgeous man.

My eyes kept wandering around the huge interior of the castle. It was my second time here, in my first visit during the ball I wasn't able to sight-see since I was too distracted with the prince's handsome face. Everything seemed to be made of marbles and gold. I gazed up at the ceiling of the entrance, it felt like I was gazing at the sky. I looked down to reduce the risk of me getting dizzy. I let out a sigh, I jumped when I felt Prince's Charles squeezed my side. He had been awfully touchy since we'd arrived in the castle and he also had that evil smirk that I could not decipher the reason for it.

Or maybe I knew?

And I'm just denying it.

But he could have not possibly found out my identity too early!

I had a mask.

Prince Charles led us to the dining room and my confusion heightened. "Are you hungry? I know that the cook has already prepared some food for lunch, let's sit down shall we?" He gestured to the table and pulled out two seats for us. I sat down and so was Nicholas. The table was very long and it seemed endless as I looked at both sides. Prince Charles released the cuffs and sat beside me.

"So then, was the accusation of the neighboring Kingdom true about you two being thieves?"

I shook my head and looked at the Prince straight in the eyes. If I was going to defend myself, I have to look the person I talk with straight in the eyes to show him that my words were true and clean from lies. My goodness, he was just so handsome that I can feel myself blushing.

"That is not true! My friend here can never steal, right Nicholas?" I looked at Nicholas and his face was lighting up in determination.

"It's true! That old hag is lying! I was just standing by the fruit store and some other kid stole her wallet. She just couldn't catch the punk so she blamed me!" Nicholas shouted.

"Shh Nicholas! Keep your voice down for goodness sake!" I scolded.

I shivered when the prince chuckled. Oh my, his voice was just really deep and smooth. "That noble you got in fight with always has a history of stirring trouble. My apologies. Although...I do wish you were thieves because..." The prince leaned closer to my ear, shivers ran down my spine as his hot breath tickled my ear. " I do not mind if you become my prisoner in my own room..."

I just know my face was red as a tomato. I looked away from the prince and saw Nicholas looking at us with curiosity. Maids arrived with the mouth-watering food and Nicholas started to devour the roasted turkey. I myself took bites of the white pasta and bread.

Food here really was delicious. I am afraid I might get fat because of that although I don't mind gaining weight since I was a bit skinny.

Minutes passed and I couldn't enjoy the food that much since I can feel Prince's Charles intense stare. I put my fork down and looked at him.

"Please sir, stop that," I said in a low tone.

The prince smirked. "Stop what my love?"

I blushed at the nickname. He just had to make my body hotter. "Stop staring at me."

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes sir."

The prince shrugged. "Well it's your fault for being too beautiful...Tell me love, were you at the ball last night?"

Cinderella without a dress   (2nd Book of D T) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now