Stage 13: Thomas

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"O-ouch!" I whimpered. I was unmanly for me to cry here but why don't you try to get your face stitched and feel for yourself. My Lord it hurts so badly!

"Now now just a little more son," the good old doctor said.

The needle pierced through the skin of my cheek and I could feel the blood dripping from the wound. The doctor stopped for a while and the Prince patted the blood dry. I clenched the bed sheets when the doctor resumed with the stitches. After a few more moments of torture; the doctor covered the wound with the gauze and secured it in place. I let out a relieved sight and thanked him lowly.

"Don't move your face too much son. I'll come back next week to check the process of your healing," he informed.

"Thank you doctor," The Prince said and escorted the doctor to the door. Before the Prince could open it, there were five sudden knocks.

"Charles is everything alright darling?" a woman's voice sounded.

The Prince opened the door and revealed Her Majesty Queen Cinderella. Oh my Lord! I quickly sat up and got off the bed. The Prince felt my movement and looked at me with wide eyes. He approached me quickly and gently sat me back on the bed.

"Good gracious love! Do not move yet. Please just rest," he scolded.

"What happened here?" The Queen asked.

She moved in front of me and bent to see my face. My jaw dropped at how gorgeous she was even in her forties. Her hair was golden yellow and her eyes were so blue. She was wearing a simple long blue dress.

"He was abused by his step family so I had to take him away from there," the Prince explained. Worry was etched on her Majesty's face.

"Oh dear, they are cruel to have done this to you! Please Cinder, stay here for as long as you like," she said. It shocked me that she knew my name. The Prince must have told her about me.

"Thank you, Majesty. I will stay here for the night and look for a job tomorrow," I informed her and offered a small smile since I can't move my face too much.

"Nonsense; stay here until your wound has healed and I am sure that my son here will not even let you step foot outside of this castle anyway," she chastised.

"You know me too well mother," the Prince chuckled and I had to glare at his smirking face. The Queen decided to prepare a midnight snack for us and dragged her son to help her. I was left alone in the room pondering whether I should go down and help them.

Should I?

I wanted to...

But the Queen told me before she left that I should rest and food shall be delivered for me. I was not used to being served let alone by the members of the royal family so I stood up and went out. The wide hallways of the castle were quiet. I assumed that the servants and maids were already resting in their quarters. I looked at each end of the hallways. Both led to a turn to another hallway.

Which way now?

Oh my...

I went to my left and turned right only to be presented with a cross of hallways.

This was just so confusing. Why must the castle be like a maze?

I went to the center to look at all the hallways. I found a tall man with jet black hair walking at the right hallway which led to the balcony. I should ask for directions. I followed the man to the balcony but held my voice when I saw a familiar naked broad back. The tall man I was following doesn't seem to be unfazed by the fact that the man in front of him was naked. I hid myself at a tall plant just by the entrance of the balcony and listened to their shocking conversation.

Cinderella without a dress   (2nd Book of D T) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now