You're leaving

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"If I went with Magneto, joined up, would you go?" John asked Sierra in a quiet voice, and she looked at him.

"Magneto is evil, John. I can't believe that I even have to tell you that now. I thought that you knew about it. All of the things, that he's done." Rebel said, grabbing his lighter out of his hand as quickly as she could.

He reached for the lighter, but she shakes her head at him. "Only if you promise not to ask me that again. Or even think about joining him." She says quietly and he looks at his hands and she shakes her head at him.

"Please?" She asks quietly, pleading slightly slipping into her tone, and he nods.

"I get it. I won't ask again." He says apologetically and then she hands his lighter back to him, and leans over to rest her head on his arm, as they both ignored that her hands were shaking.

John continued to flick the lighter open and closed, while the hum of the engine of the ship, manages to lull Element into almost a sleeping state.

Sierra woke up when she realized that she couldn't feel the familiar heat of her best friend. "Where did he go?"

She asked, immediately looking at Bobby and Rogue, and then she saw that the door was open. She grabbed her coat, and despite the protesting of Bobby and Rogue, she ran down the door plank, and into the snow.

She walked slowly, not trusting the ground where she was walking on, as it was unfamiliar ground.

She felt the earth underneath her feet, and it felt the same, but the air was all different. It smells different, like pure, cold snow and ice.

The ground felt like it was frozen and even with a jacket on Sierra made two of her fireballs to keep herself warm.

"John." She called and continued to walk. It was when the fire leapt from her hands at least 10 minutes later, it was when she knew completely, that she had been lucky to have caught up to him.

"Why did you run off?" She asked and he looked at her with a slightly scarily serious expression on his face. "No." A barest whisper came from her mouth, and he lowered his head.

Suddenly there was an earsplitting explosion in their heads, and the pain was horrible and they couldn't even if they wanted to, speak.

Sierra was shaking on the ground as the earsplitting sounds continued in a wailing sound.

The sound could only be described as purely a sound of utter pain. Agony as a main tone suffering is the secondary to it, as the sound continued.

Then without warning, suddenly the sound just stopped. Sierra was shakin' still from the sound, and John looks at her.

They both stood up in a confused silence and Sierra rubbed her temples with a silent grimace, as she cracked a knuckle.

The tension in the air was palpable as they avoided looking at each other for a fair amount of time.

"If I go, would you come with me? It's my one question for you." John finally asked her and Sierra's eyes blazed.

"You know where it is that I stand in my terms about Magneto. I would not join him for anything." Sierra says, as she shoved her hands deeper into her pockets.

"Or anyone?" Sierra, she lowered her head in shame at the broken sounding tone in John's voice and her shoulders were shaking.

"Not for something like this. No I wouldn't. I won't." She said quietly and despite the shaking of her body and shoulders from the pain she was ignoring, her voice was steady.

"So go. If you want to, I won't stop you." She murmured quietly and she shakes her head. "I should have just stayed on the jet."

She said, her voice trembling only slightly, as she made another fireball and walked away.

She heard a tree fall down and heard the hiss of a fire going out, when it hit the snow, as she kept walking.

"That must've been very hard for you indeed, my dear." She looked up as the Professor's voice was inside her mind.

"Glad you're alright Professor. But I have to ask you to stay out. I can't deal with anyone knowing this. Not now." Sierra thought back to him and she caught up to the group.

"Sierra!" Storm hugged her tightly without warning, and Sierra forced a smile onto her face when she saw the other kids around her.

"Element!" They cheered and she smiled at them and she walked over to Scott and shook hands with him.

"Good to see you, Summers." She said and he looked at her, and he would be shaking his head at her.

"Don't be a stranger. Come here." He said and then he was hugging her and she smiled to dissuade any suspicion.

Although, she knew that she hadn't a chance of fooling either Professor X or Jean, and that had always been clear.

Rogue brought the jet down and she was screaming as she did and Storm's eyes widened.

"Rogue, it's alright. You can let go now." Storm was saying as Sierra took her seat in a solemn silence.

"Hey, where's the other kid? Where's Pyro?" Logan asked, as they prepared to take off.

Everyone looked at Sierra, who shakes her head quietly. "He left. He went with Magneto." She murmured and Bobby moves over, quickly, quiet to be the person to sit next to her.

"He's gone." Professor Xavier said quietly after a moment of his extreme concentration.

Suddenly after failing to get the engine working properly, the ramp was sealed shut and Jean was outside.

"Storm! Lower the ramp!" Scott was shouting at the woman, as the flood of water was now being only held back by the power of Jean, and the jet was being lifted up by that same power.

"No!" Scott was saying, as suddenly the torrent of water came crashing in and flooded quickly, over right where the jet, had just been.

Scott was sobbing now and no one tried to stop him or get in his way at all.

While Sierra was the only one who was remotely trying to help him, as the other kids none of them wanted to get in his way.

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