Chapter 4

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Robert led Veronica up to his 3rd floor apartment, only letting her had go when they had reached his door and he needed to unlock it. Once he go the door open he stood to the side to let her in. She looked around and smiled. This was 100% his place. Everything about it just screamed Robert.

"What's so funny?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind.

"This place has your name written all over it."

"I should hope so, it's mine."

"You know what I mean." She turned around in his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, what do you want to-"

Robert cut her off by kissing her. Veronica jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to his bedroom. He set her gently on the floor, never breaking contact. She hastily took of his sweater and then hers. Then she unzipped the back of her dress letting it fall to the floor. Robert broke the kiss to look down at her. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it off of his body. Then he gently laid her on the bed, following closely after her. Things got even more frantic after all of the clothes had come off. For almost the entire night and into the early morning, they were wrapped up in each other.

The next morning, Veronica woke up wrapped in Robert's arms. She smiled to herself and snuggled closer to him, if that was even possible. As she laid there, she couldn't help but think where things were going to go from this point. Were they going to be a couple? Was he going to be weird about this? What's going to happened with her training? As she was thinking, Robert woke up

"If you keep thinking so hard, you're going to start my apartment on fire." She looked up at his face and smiled.


"Don't be sorry. Is everything ok? You don't regret last night right? Because if you do I can take you home right now and I can find you a different trainer."

"No! No, I don't regret last night at all. Last night was probably the most amazing night I've had in a very long time. I was just thinking about the future."

"Our future?"

"Not necessarily. I was thinking like, are we going to be together and are we going to continue training together or is that going to be weird for you?"

"No, I will absolutely continue to train you. You're probably one of my favorite clients. And as for being together, do you want to be together?"

"I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it."

"Is that a yes?"

"Was it a question?"

"Don't be difficult young lady." Robert said, kissing the top of her head.

"For real though, I would love to be together. But I'm not trying to rush it."

"Be my girlfriend."

"Was that a question or a demand."

"Obviously a question."

"Then of course." She kissed him and then rolled them over so that she was draped over him with her arms crossed over his chest and her head was laying on her arms "This is exciting."

"Indeed it is."

"Do you want some breakfast?" Veronica asked.

"I was just going to ask you the same question."

"Beat you to it."

"I would love some breakfast. Do you want to make it together?"

"Sure! What are we going to make?"

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