The World Will Know---Esther/Jack

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Esther's POV

The Circulation bell rings and I run as fast as I could to The Lodging House. Thankfully, the boys are still half asleep so no one asks where I went. We all start to get ready to get our papes. Race yawns and rubbs his eyes.

"Them sirens kept me up all night." He says and cracks his back. His joints pop like firecrackers.

"Sirens is like lullabies to me." Mush says. "The louder they wail, the better the headline. The better the headline, the better I eat. And the better I eat..."

"The further away from you I sleep!" I start to chuckle.

I hear two pairs of footsteps behind me. Fearing it may be the Delanceys, I turn to see Davey and Les arrive.

"Mornin, everybody! Sorry we're late. We had to help our mom with something." Davey says and dusts off his pants.

"They got a mudder? I was gonna get me one." Race says while lighting a cigar. He was about to stick it between his lips, but I snatched it from his hand. I was about to do the same until I smelled it. I took one whiff of that thing and handed it right back to Race.

"What'd you do with the one you had?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah, Race." I say.

"He traded her for a box of cigars." Buttons finished nonchalantly. I look at Race with a look of pure confusion.

"They was coronas!" Race argued.

"That doesn't help your case." I quipped under my breath. The other newsies could hear and some tried to stifle a laugh.

"We have a father too." Les said.

"A mudder and a fodder." Buttons looks shocked, as if this type of thing wasn't possible.

"Ain't we the hoi polloi?" Race says.

"So how's it going today?" Les asks.

"Ask me after they put up the headline." Tommy Boy answers. Les looks up to read it.

"Here it comes now." Les says.

"New Newsie Price: Sixty Cents Per Hundred." Albert reads the headline aloud. Wait, what?

"What'd you say?" Mush says.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." I say and stand there shocked.

"Is that news?" Davey asks.

"It is to me!" Elmer says.

"They jacked up the price of papes. Ten cents more a hundred!" Albert yells.

Jack's POV

I walk back to see all the newsies at the gate just standing around. They seem to be arguing about something. My guess is the headline is a snoozer and their trying to figure out some good fake ones.

"I can eat two days on a dime." Elmer says.

"I'll be sleeping on the street!" Crutchie says. I start to get the feeling that this is over more than a bad headline.

"You already sleep on the street." Jojo points out.

"In a worse neighborhood." Crutchie says.

"What're you all standing around for?" I ask. All the newsies turn to me.

"Get a load of this, Jack." Crutchie pointed at the headline behind him with his free arm. I look up and read it. Wait... they have to be kidding. They just have to be.

"Like Pulitzer don't make enough money already." Romeo scoffs.

Weasel opened the window for business. He had a twisted smile on his face that sent a chill down my spine.

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