They Didn't Take Care Of Me--Oscar

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(You'll understand why I have this dress up here soon. No it is not for Esther.)

I decided to go to Lodging House tonight.

Why am I so scared to do this?

I show up at the door and I hear people behind it.

"Beat that!" Someone yells. The scratches of chairs on the floor and footsteps came after.


"I think he cheated!"

"Race, I swear to God! If you touch my sandwich...."

"Has anyone seen my glasses?"

"Quiet! I'm trying to sleep!"

I finally knock on the door. More people speak. This boy doesn't have a strong accent like the others.

"Les, would you mind checking the door? I thought I heard someone knocking."


"Because it would be rude to leave someone standing out there. And we have to leave soon anyway."

A huff was heard and little footsteps get louder and louder as the boy comes closer. I straighten out my shirt.

A little boy about the age of ten opened the door. He stared at me, wide eyed.

"Would you excuse me for a moment?" Before I could answer, he shuts the door. I hear more voices.

"Its Oscar Delancey. What do I do?"

"Soak him."

"Albert, no. What did we say about beating up other kids?"

"Don't do it."


The little boy pipes up. "So do I let him in or not?"

"Yes! He probably wants to see Esther."

"She's sleeping though."

"True. But we already woke up Smalls. She's bound to wake up soon."


"Yes. Send him in."

I hear more footsteps. The boy, Les, opens the door.

"You can come in." He said. I thank him and step inside. Some of the boys are sitting at a table with cards layed out on it. Others are walking around, getting ready to sleep. Some are already sleeping.

"Hi. Do you know where Esther is?"

Race answers. "Sleeping. I'm sure she'd just love to see you." And with that he walks away.

The boy with no accent speaks. "He's just jealous."

I nod and then walk over to the bunks. Esther is on a top one. She's snoring lightly. Her curls lay askew on her pillow. She seems so peaceful that I almost didn't want to wake her.

But I have to explain about Jack at the ralley.

"Esther. Wake up." I whisper. She moves a little.

"C'mon you can do it. Wake up." I whisper.

"Go to hell." She says, still half asleep.

"Kelly." I say.

She opens her eyes. "Oh. Hey Oscar." Esther stretches for a second then starts climbing down the ladder.

"Hi. Your back seems to be getting better." It's true. The wounds that Snyder reopened had mostly healed and the new ones still had a ways to go yet. But it was still progress.

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