Chapter 24 Assault

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Character List:

Lion Guard: Kion: Y/N, Ono, Bunga, Fuli, Beshte, Makini, Anga

Villains: Makucha, Chuluun, Ora, Mama Binturong, Xene, Shupavu, Scar, Scar's Lion Guard

Villain Groups: {Makucha and his Leopards} {Chuluun} {Ora and his Komodo Dragons} {Mama Binturong and her Porcupines}

The Night Pride: Rani, Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo, Ullu

Tree Of Life Animals: Queen Janna, Binga, Pingunio, Mountain Goats, Shrews, Polar Bear, Fox, Varya, {Tiger Cubs}

Bunga looked in the distance and saw Fuli coming, "Look Fuli's back" Bunga pointed out telling everyone. Rani and Makini looked and saw Fuli stopped in front of them, "Fuli you really shouldn't be running on that leg" Makini advised.

"An Attack is happening" Fuli revealed, everyone looked at Fuli when she said that, "What?" Makini and Rani questioned. "Azaad and I were on the hill and in the distance, we saw Mama Binturong attacking some animals with Makucha, Ora, Chuluun and they have friends" Fuli explained.

Makini looked at Rani and the Lion Guard, "Don't even think about it, all of you need to heal still, don't worry the Night Pride will handle it" Makini advised. "But they're outnumbered" Bunga pointed out. "Yeah but what will we be able to do" Beshte stated pointing at everyone's injuries, Fuli sighed. "I hate to say it but Beshte is right, in our current condition we can't fight" Fuli commented. Rani sighed as she looked in the direction Fuli came from hoping the Night Pride were doing fine.


Azaad leaped back as Chuluun charged, "Why do I have to fight the cheetah?" Chuluun asked. "You're the stealthy one, so that means you fight the fast one" Ora hissed as he swung his tail hitting Bailyo back. Surak rolled and used his Bailyo to prevent Bailyo from hitting the rock, Bailyo got up and looked at Surak. "Thanks, Surak" Bailyo thanked, "No problem let's just win" Surak replied as the two of them growled at Ora and Makucha.

Azaad got sucker-punched by a leopard and rolled into Bailyo, as Surak looked back Makucha headbutt him and Ora slapped Surak away. The three of them get up as they see they are surrounded by Leopards and Komodo dragons.

Anga and Ullu looked and saw Surak and his team needed help but they were busy with Mama Binturong and her porcupines. They were dodging the Porcupines that were launching themselves in the air to hit them. Ullu looked at Anga, "How are they even doing that?" Ullu asked.

Anga looked and saw Mama Binturong was launching them with her tail, "The Binturong is..." Anga said flying to the side dodging a porcupine. "Firing them" Anga finished as she and Ullu kept trying to dodge the Porcupines.

In the distance, Varya head peeked out, "There in trouble" Varya pointed out, a couple of polar bears and mountain goats were with her. "If the Night Pride can't beat them, does that mean the Tree of Life is doomed?" A Polar bear asked. "No they're the Night Pride, they always protect us" A Mountian goat stated. The animals watched scared, as they saw their protectors losing aginst these outsiders and predators.


Scar and his Lion Guard were approaching, "Were 5 minutes out" The Lion representing Keenest reported to Scar. Scar smiled evilly, "Come my friends, our Assault begins" Scar laughed evilly as they contiued to march to the Tree of Life.

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