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"I bet you will." I answer my papá. Now he has the nerve to call off the wedding. I'm definitely convinced that he's bipolar.
I don't understand this old man, can he just make up his mind already. I'm not in for whatever roller-coaster ride he has planned. He can't keep changing his mind as he likes just because things aren't turning out the way he planned.

Although I might have a slight attraction towards Carlos, I still don't wish to get married yet so I'm team papá right now I just don't want him to know that.

"Shut up! This is not about you, Allison!" My papá shouts at me angrily making me flinch and take a step back at his outburst.
"You will not raise your voice at my bride, you know very well what I'm capable of." Carlos seethes through clenched teeth having a dangerous look on his face which should be scaring me but is kind of turning me on. I knew I was a freak, damn it.

"You don't scare me, Bonfonelli." My papá retorts taking a step closer to Carlos both of them squaring each other off.
"Need I remind you, in front of your daughter?"
"Do not bring mija into this."
"This is about her after all." Carlos shrugs.

"Uhm, I'm standing right here." I say.
"Allison. Callate!"
"Now, I believe I told you not to talk to her like that."
"You don't tell me how to talk to my daugh-"

"Honey, I'm home!"

"Oh, God. No." I say to myself. Could she not have chosen a better time to bless us with her presence.
"What is she doing here?" My papá asks having a disgusted look on his face.
"Who's that?" Carlos asks confused.

Before I can answer any of them in comes walking in none other than my very best friend who has become like a sister to me, Kellianise Banks or Kells as she prefers to be called.

"Who allowed you into my home?" my papá asks Kells. She just places a sinister smile on her face walking towards my papá.
"Oh, come on, Ramírez. Is that how you welcome your guests? And you should know that I do have a copy of your house keys courtesy of your beloved daughter." She says all this with a smile plastered on her face as usual. Kells is hardly ever seen without a smile on her face but don't let that fool you, she'll kill you with her words. I've witnessed this first hand on so many occasions.

"Allison, tell your so-called friend que se vaya." My papá says to me. ( go.)
Gosh, for some unknown reason, he doesn't like Kells not one bit. They can never be in the same room, it's never peaceful. I'm honestly over his dislike for my friend. He's marrying me off against my will so he'll have to deal with Kells being around more often but what is she doing here anyways? I did tell her that I'll be going out with Carlos tonight.

"Okay, everyone, calm down. I can't deal with all of you at once." I groan in annoyance.

"Beauty?" Carlos calls for me approaching me. Tonight was supposed to be about him and I getting to know each other but with the way things are going I doubt that will be happening.

"Oh! And who might you be? Ally, is this him?" Kells questions walking up to Carlos inspecting him by looking at him up and down then walking around him emitting a low whistle.

"Yeah." I respond shyly looking at Carlos only to find him with his gaze already on me and a smirk on his face. Cocky much. I roll my eyes at him making him chuckle.

"You know, you might hate your dad for arranging your marriage but he sure knows how to pick them for you. I'll give him that." Kells smiles at my papá who in return scouls at her. They are surely made to ruin each others lives.

"Alright, it was nice talking to you all but Carlos and I have to be on our way. I did not get all dolled up for nothing. Come on, babe." I grab hold of his hand ready to drag him out the house with me. He smiles at me adoringly making me blush.

"And where am I to go? I just got here and I came for you. Also, I'm definitely not third-wheeling." She scoffs. I roll my eyes for the millionth time tonight, she knows damn well that I planned on going out tonight.

"You could go home or stay I could care less. You know I told your ass that I'll be with him tonight." I said giving her attitude.

"You know what, I just got the most brilliant idea. Why don't we all have dinner here. All of us together like the big happy family we are." I shake my head hating the idea of having dinner with all of them.

"That's the smartest thing you've ever said. I can't trust Bonfonelli alone with my daughter." My papá agrees with Kells much to my surprise.

This is going to be a disaster.

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