Chapter 5

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You love days off.

Yes, you have the best job in the world, but everyone could use some time to relax. So you curl up in your bed, prepared to stay there all day. All you need is Netflix and your snacks.

But then your phone buzzes, a notification popping up on your screen.

where are you? i went to the shop and you weren't there 😔

You smile softly, answering him back.

we're closed today, srry. i'm relaxing in bed

can i join you?


that sounds wrong

i mean like..can i come over?

You roll your eyes, laughing. He's such a dork.

yeah, sure!

cool, i'll be there in 15!

Fifteen minutes. You sit up suddenly. You have fifteen minutes to make yourself and your apartment look presentable.

You roll out of bed faster than you do for work, washing your face and putting on some presentable clothes.

Then you make up your bed and quickly go through all the rooms, making sure everything is clean and put away. Luckily, you're a fairly organized person so there's not too much to worry about. But still, you're paranoid.

Just as you finish tidying up the kitchen, there's a knock at your door. You pull it open and Jungkook's immediately clutching onto you like a koala.

"Well hello to you too." You mumble softly.

"Sorry, I'm just exhausted from practice." He sighs. "I took a shower and then came straight here."

"Practicing what?" You raise an eyebrow.

Jungkook's body goes rigid against you. "N-nothing."

You pull away from his embrace despite how nice it feels, narrowing your eyes at him. "Are you guys having a comeback or something?"

"Skye, that's classified information." He says carefully, stepping forward and reaching for you again.

But you back up, crossing your arms in front of your chest. "You're having a comeback, aren't you? You were probably practicing the choreography."

"Skye.." He whines. "I really can't tell you. Can you please just let me hug you?"

He pouts and your heart melts. You could never say no to that face.

You nod. "As long as I get to finish my show."

"Deal." He grins.

So that's how the two of you end up on the couch, Jungkook's arms around you as you watch a series on Netflix. If he can feel the way your heart is pounding in your chest, he doesn't mention it.

After one episode, you can feel his heart rate slowing in his chest. Then you hear soft snores and you know that he is fast asleep. You take that moment to look up at him, truly admiring his features.

He looks adorable, eyes fluttered closed and his lips parted slightly to let out air. You would take a picture but you don't want to be creepy and you also don't want to risk waking him up. So you settle for just looking at the real deal instead.

Two episodes later, you're starting to get hungry. But at the same time, you don't want to move because you're so comfortable. In the end, you decide that food is more important so you carefully remove Jungkook's arms from around you before getting up.

You grab ingredients for an omelette because it's the most simple thing you know how to make. You may be hungry, but you're also lazy when it comes to cooking.

After chopping up some tomato, onions, and bell pepper, you add them into the sizzling pan with the eggs. You're focusing on making sure your eggs don't burn when a pair of arms slip around your waist.

Your heart does a few flips when you realize who it is, Jungkook's firm chest pressing into your back. "What are you making?" He asks groggily, his voice husky with sleep.

This man is going to put you in cardiac arrest.

"An omelette." You answer calmly, trying not to freak out. "Do you want one?"

"Yes please." He answers softly. Then he pulls away, sitting down at your dinner table.

You quickly finish the omelette you were making, putting it on a plate and handing it to Jungkook. "Thank you." He mumbles with a sleepy smile. Then you whip up another one and take the seat across from him.

"How was your nap?"

"Amazing, I slept like a baby." He grins and you laugh. "Well, until you got up." His grin quickly turns to a playful glare.

"Oops." You shrug. "I was hungry."

After you finish eating, Jungkook asks to see your room.

"C'mon, you saw my room." He whines. "It's only fair."

"B-but that's different." You stammer. "You don't have.."

"I don't have what?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Just..don't make fun of me, okay?" You say softly.

"I won't, I promise." He reassures you.

You take a deep breath, pushing open the door to your room.

Jungkook's eyes drift from the posters on your walls, to your albums on your shelf, to the plushies on your bed. All the while, he has a dorky grin on his face.

"You don't think I'm crazy or weird?" You ask hesitantly, standing in the doorway.

"Of course not!" He chuckles, sitting on your bed and grabbing your Cooky plushy. "This is adorable."

You breathe a sigh of relief. Thank god.

Then his phone buzzes in his pocket. He reads the message and then sighs. "I have to go, Namjoon hyung wants my help with something."

You nod and walk him out. "See you tomorrow." He wraps his arms around you one more time and it almost seems like he doesn't want to let go. But he does, and you wave to him as he leaves.

Afterwards, you call Sora to catch her up on everything.

"You met BTS and you cuddled with Jeon Jungkook? Holy shit, you are living every ARMY's dream right now."

"I swear, half of the time I'm waiting for the moment where I wake up and everything is back to normal. It's going to take a while to get used to this."

"Skye, do you think that maybe...he likes you? As more than a friend?"

"No." You scoff. "He's probably nice to me because I'm a fan and we need to see each other every day. I mean, maybe we can become friends but I doubt he wants more than that."

"You do know that 98% of soulmates fall in love, right?" She reminds you in a skeptical tone.

"Yes Sora, I'm aware." You sigh. "But a man like him could have anyone that he wants. Why would he want me?"

"Because you're intelligent, beautiful, funny, and extremely talented, Skye. That's why! And if I hear you talking bad about yourself again, I'm coming over to your apartment so I can dropkick you."

"Alright, alright, sorry." You mumble quietly. You have a good feeling that she isn't bluffing.

"You know I love you, right?" Sora says softly.

"I know." You smile. "I love you too."

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