Chapter 3

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When you wake up the next morning, you don't feel well.

You would expect to still be high off of adrenaline after just meeting Jungkook yesterday, but you're feeling very lethargic.

However, you can't afford to miss a day at the parlor. Especially since you're fully booked today. So you put on your playlist and hop in the shower. Hopefully the water and music will wake you up.

But something you see when you're in the shower makes your jaw drop. The simple outline of a heart on your wrist is now filled in with a glowing shade of red, meaning you have found your soulmate. Shit.

What if it's-

"No." You quickly shake that thought out of your head. Jungkook's soulmate is some lucky person who is not you. God, you're embarrassed about even thinking that could be possible.

You get out of the shower, getting dressed while you think about who your soulmate could be. The only people you came in contact with yesterday were your clients and random people on the street.

Your best bet right now is to call up your clients who came in the past few days and see if any of them are also desperately searching for their soulmates.

Your lunch break should be fun.

You sigh heavily, leaving your apartment and driving to the parlor.

When you arrive, Sora is the only one there. "I found my soulmate." You blurt out.

She turns around, eyes wide. "What? Who is it?"

"I don't know." You nibble at your bottom lip nervously. Then you raise up your sleeve, showing her the red heart on your wrist. "I saw it this morning."

She hums to herself for a moment, thinking. "That means you most likely came into contact with them yesterday..." Then she gasps, her eyes lighting up. "Do you think-"

"Don't say it." You cut her off, knowing exactly where that sentence was going.

"But it's possible!" She whines, tugging on your arm. "He was here yesterday."

You shake your head firmly. "I'm not getting my hopes up, nope."

She sighs heavily. "Fine."

It's silent as the two of you continue preparing to open the store. Soon enough, Aisha and Wheein arrive and Sora pulls you aside. "Are you going to tell them?"

You shake your head. "I don't want them to worry."

"Alright." Then you notice the look of concern on her face. "If you're too tired, go home, okay? I don't want you to overwork yourself."

You nod gratefully, offering her a soft smile.

As you get through your day, you become more and more tired. It's taking you longer to deal with your patients than usual, and you're starting to run behind schedule. In the very little down time that you have, you make calls to clients that came to the shop yesterday. But none of them give you the answer you want to hear.

By the time that 7pm rolls around, you're completely exhausted. You're sanitizing your workspace for the umpteenth time when Wheein pokes her head in your office. "Skye?"

"What?" You snap, irritated. When you see the startled look on her face, you sigh. "Sorry, I'm just tired today. What is it, Wheein?"

"Um.." She looks behind her before coming further into the room. She leans in close to whisper to you. "..Jungkook is here. He says it's urgent."

"What?" You furrow your eyebrows.

She shrugs. "He's waiting for you in the back room."

You sigh, nodding. Under normal circumstances, you would be excited to seem him but right now, you feel like shit.

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