Chapter 17

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"Jungkook, get up!" You whine as you wake up the next morning. It's your last day in New Jersey and while most of the members are staying in the hotel to rest, you and Jungkook are driving over to New York to explore the city and join your parents for dinner. But in order to accomplish all of that, you need to get moving earlier than usual.

However, Jungkook is sleeping like a rock. You don't blame him since he had a long concert last night, but still.

You've tried poking him but he still won't budge. So as a last resort, you swing your legs over him so that you are straddling his waist. You grab his broad shoulders, shaking them roughly. "Jungkook, if you don't get up right now I will-"

"You'll do what?" He mutters, his voice husky with sleep. You yelp as his hands slide up your thighs to grip your hips, holding you in place. His eyes now open, he looks up at you with a dangerous smirk.

"" You stumble over your words, his gaze making you feel flustered.

Jungkook uses one hand to fist the material of your shirt, pulling you down so that your upper body is closer to his. Your lips are just mere inches away now as he looks at you with hooded eyes.

"Jungkook.." You mutter breathlessly, never once breaking eye contact.

He closes the space between you, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss.

He cups your cheek, his tongue slipping past your lips to explore your mouth. You whimper softly against his mouth as he kisses you with more passion than ever before. His other hand slides under your t-shirt, caressing your skin. Just the feeling of his hand on your bare waist sets your body on fire.

"Please.." You mumble.

"What do you want, baby?" Jungkook rasps, pulling away from your lips. He trails kisses down your neck and your grip on his broad shoulder tightens.

"I want you." You confess softly, your head becoming clouded with desire.

Jungkook reaches for the bottom of your shirt, about to pull it over your head when suddenly your phone rings.

"Fuck.." He hisses, his hands stilling where they grip onto the hem of your shirt.

Breathing heavily, you look over to your bedside dresser where your phone rests. It buzzes, the screen lighting up with the word 'Mom' displayed on the screen. "It's my mom." You sigh.

"Answer it." Jungkook mumbles, trying to mask the disappointment in his tone as he releases his grip on you.

You climb off of him, crawling over to your side of the bed and picking up your phone. "Hello?"

"Skye, honey, what kind of food does that boy like? I want to make him feel comfortable in our home." You chuckle softly at your mom's words. She's too sweet.

You speak with her for a few minutes, answering her questions and telling her a bit about how tour is going. Then you hang up, turning your head to see Jungkook propped up on his elbows, looking at you expectantly. "She wanted to know what kinds of foods you like so she can cook for you."

He smile softly. "I think I love your mom already."

"Let's hope she loves you too." You grin. Then you hop out of bed, going over to your suitcase to grab your clothes.

"Babe, where are you going?" Jungkook whines. "We were kind of in the middle of something here."

"Later, Jungkook." You mumble absentmindedly. The phone call with your mother had reminded you of the reason you crawled into Jungkook's lap in the first place. "We need to leave soon in order to avoid traffic on the road."

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