Chapter 18

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"Why, just why.." You whine when your alarm goes off the next morning. You have to head to the airport to fly to your next stop on the tour. It's not even that early, only around 9 am, but you're still exhausted from last night's activities.

You sigh, forcing yourself to pull away from Jungkook's warm embrace. The slightly cool air of the room hits your naked body as you pull back the covers, making you wince. And when you stand up, there's a soreness between your thighs that's hard to ignore. Hopefully, a warm shower will help.

You take one last look at your soulmate, who has started to stir in his sleep after noticing your absence, before grabbing some clothes and heading into the bathroom. You turn on the shower and step in, the warm water helping to relax your muscles. You stand there for a few moments, enjoying the relaxing feeling of the water hitting your skin.

Just as you grab a bar of soap, you hear the glass door of the shower open, making you shriek. You're about to turn around and possibly throw the soap at the intruder when a familiar pair of arms wrap around your waist from behind. "Jesus, don't scare me like that." You huff, relaxing against Jungkook's hold.

"Sorry." He chuckles lowly, leaning down to pepper kisses along the top of your shoulder.

You suck in a breath as you feel his lips move across your skin. "Jungkook I'm sore right now, so don't even-"

"I'm not gonna do anything, I promise." He reassures you. "Just wanna help clean you up." He mumbles, pressing one last kiss to your cheek, making you smile.

No has ever done that for you before, so the proposition makes your heart melt. "Okay." You agree.

Jungkook washes your hair first, his fingers gently massaging the shampoo through your wet locks. "That feels so good." You let out a soft moan at the incredible feeling.

"Stop making those noises." Jungkook mutters from behind you.


"You're making me think of..things. Like how I really want to do you against the wall of this shower right now."

"Sorry Kookie." You chuckle softly. "Maybe someday, just not today."

When he's done with your hair, he starts lathering your body with the bar of soap. He touches you so gently and carefully, especially around your intimate areas, as if you're a delicate piece of porcelain he doesn't want to break. Yet, his hands on you feel so good. Not in an erotic way, more so because his touch makes you feel safe and warm on the inside.

When you're completely clean, you take your turn washing him. He crouches down so that you can wash his hair, making sure to tell you how adorable you are. Then you gently wash his body as well.

When you're both clean, the two of you hop out of the shower. "Still sore?" Jungkook asks, a slight look of concern on his face as he watches you get dressed.

You nod. "This is all your fault." You mutter with a small pout.

"No, this Jungkook junior's fault." He retorts.

"Did you seriously name your dick?" You ask with a roll of your eyes.

"That I did." He winks. Then he pats your ass lightly before heading out of the door, still as naked as the day he was born.

"This man is crazy.." You mutter under your breath as you continue getting ready. By the time you get out of the bathroom, Jungkook is fully dressed.

The two of you pack everything into your suitcases, making sure you didn't leave anything behind. Then you make your way out of your room.

You bump into Namjoon and Jimin on the way to the elevator. Each are coming out of their own respective rooms with their luggage. All of you mumble good morning to each other before piling into the elevator.

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